
Some issues I found during usaga Meteor and React together

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Some issues I found during usage Meteor and React together (via npm).

Case 1:

  1. Create project
  2. Add react from npm (meteor npm i --save react react-dom)
  3. Add local package (tmp maned in code)
  4. In that package add import: import React from 'react'
  5. And export React from tmp package
  6. In client.jsx file create Component using React imported from tmp package
  7. Add google-maps-react npm package: (meteor npm i --save google-maps-react)
  8. Try to render Component with GoogleMap and try to use render method from tmp package It lead to error: Refs Must Have Owner Warning https://facebook.github.io/react/warnings/refs-must-have-owner.html

Not working code: https://github.com/lawrentiy/meteor-react-issues/commit/b1e86d6bf40ab2a8e69bca200b25a4723c6d1dde

How to fix it: Just use only imported direct from npm packages React and ReactDOM.render


Case 2: If I remove webpack packages from project above (in working state) It will break project to. It shows "React is not defined" error in browser console.


How to fix: Just import React with name of variable "React"


That two cases have eaten 3 days of my life. And can eat more, because Case 1 will I have to rewrite my project structure.

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