Instaurl is a service which makes it easy to securely share content through the use of "one-time URL's". A one-time URL is a link that can only be viewed once. This ensures that once the content has been viewed, no one else can view it. This SDK makes it easy to create and read these one-time URL's programmatically.
This Instaurl SDK comes with a token included. This can be found in the file ./config/instaurl.json. This is rate limited by IP address and will allow for basic testing. Scale / production use is coming soon. For more details, contact
Use the following code to initialize the Instaurl class:
var Instaurl = require('instaurl');
var instaurl = new Instaurl(config);
config can be set by referencing the already included sample file '/config/instaurl.json' in the repo (which contains the free token). Alternatively, just use the following free token:
var Instaurl = require('instaurl')
var instaurl = new Instaurl({"token": "Ngb1yfg!gbakeIgbE3!ngjqugBhHgfqe"});
Once you have your object, you can now call one of the methods:
To send a secret to the service and receive a one-time URL:
instaurl.set('my secret text', (err, result) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
Sucessful calls will return a result object in the following format:
"key": "1uU9sCBogUm3tumxx53mpw"
"webUrl": ""
"apiUrl": ""
The meaning of each of these:
- key: the unique one-time secret key (appending to the following URL's)
- webUrl: the one-time URL which you can view the secret at from a web browser
- apiUrl: the one-time URL which you can use to view the secret via the REST API's
After setting a secret, you can retreive it from the service by passing in the 'key' value above to the method instaurl.get. For example, the following would set a secret and then retrieve it immediately after:
instaurl.set('my secret text', (err, result) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
instaurl.get(result.key, (err, result) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
Sucessful calls will return a result object in the following format:
"secret":"my secret text"
Errors take the following format:
statusCode: 429,
message: "Developer token limit exceeded. Try again in a short while"
The following are valid errors:
statusCode | message |
401 | Incorrect token |
404 | No secret found at this URL |
410 | Expired. Secret already retrieved |
413 | Max content size exceeded |
429 | IP address rate limit exceeded. Try again in a short while |
To run the tests, go to the root directory of node-instaurl and:
- Ensure you have mocha installed ("npm i mocha -g")
- From the root directory, run "mocha --debug test"
Included in this package is also a console app. To install the console app, run:
npm install -g instaurl
This will install the instaurl console app which can then be used to create a one-time URL directly from the command line. For example:
Supported options for the CLI include:
-h, --help output usage information
-f, --file [file] the filename to send to instaurl
-t, --text [text] provide a string rather than a file
-u, --url [url] optional: overrides destination server (developers only)
-e, --encoding [encoding] optional: specifies encoding (default is utf-8
instaurl --file
would return:
Before any usage, read the Instaurl terms and privacy policy at
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright (c) 2016 Rivolv, Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.