
This repo is for lazy-loading experiments

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Lazy Loading

This repo is for experimenting with lazy loading React and Redux code.

If implemented correctly, we can speed up loading React components via lazy-loading, and also dynamically load redux-related code instead of initializing everything in the entry file.

Problems to solve

  • Can a component safely reference a lazy file's actions.js without other files in the folder?
  • Can a component safely load a lazy file's Component.js without other files in the folder?
  • Can we easily load the requisite files when a lazy file's action.js or Component.js are referenced from another component?


  • Successfully loaded actions.js by itself
  • Successfully loaded Component.js by itself, which includes requisite files actions.js, selectors.js, reducer.js
  • Problem: Component.js is bundled together with requisite files because they're not lazy-loaded. Some notes:
    • If you load Component.js first then actions.js, actions.js won't be reloaded because the code already exists in Component.js
    • If you load actions.js first then Component.js, the code for actions.js is loaded twice.


  • Should we load all feature files when one of them is loaded?
  • Should we allow each individual feature file to be lazy loaded?

