
This project is done as part of CS418 Coursework. Exploratory Data Analysis of 2018 US Senate Election data.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

2018 US Senate Election Data-Exploration


2018 US Senate Election Data-Exploration is a project done as part of the UIC's CS418 Coursework under Professor Dr. Gonzalo Bello.

'election_train.csv' and 'demographics_train.csv' are the datasets based on which this project has been built. These csv files can be found in the 'data' directory of this repository.


Report and PDF file of the IPython notebook are available in the 'report' directory.


Name UIN NetID
Lakshmanan Meiyappan 671997054 lmeiya2
Sriman Cherukuru 659640984 scheru4
Gnanamanickam Arumugaperumal 670991279 garumu3

How to run this project?

Note: Setting up Anaconda distribution is highly recommended to run this project.

  1. Download or clone this repository into your workspace.
  2. Naviagte to the Downloaded\Cloned directory: 2018Election-Data-Visualization/.
  3. Install the required libraries using the command pip install requirements.txt
  4. Open IPython Notebook: EDA-2018SenateElections.ipynb with Jupyter Notebook.
  5. Run the cells sequentially to see the execution results.

Data Visualizations


  • 0 represents Republican party &
  • 1 represents Democrat party.
  1. Counties and Winners Visualization:

  2. Age groups and their voting patterns

  3. Education Level and its impact on voting patterns

  4. Ethnicity and its impact on voting patterns

  1. Gender and its impact on voting patterns