
Final project for SYSBAS1B 19/20 at HKU University of the Arts, Utrecht.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

r0LL (Final Project, SYSBAS1B)


This repository contains the files to @elmermakkinga and @layetri's final project for the Music & Technology SYSBAS course at HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, the Netherlands. The result is a game called "r0LL", written in P5.js, with a sound generation engine written in MaxMSP. Try it live at layetri's website.



To get started, make sure you have nodejs and npm installed. This project depends on express, which is already included in package.json. To install, browse to the project root directory and run npm install. NPM will now install the project dependencies. After this, you can use npm start to start the server at your_local_ip:8001.


Player class

The Player class renders the Player, which is a user controlled orb interacting with the World and Obstacle classes.


  • draw() draws the player orb on the screen as a sphere at the current player.position with size player.size.
  • move() is an umbrella function that calls player.gravity(), player.draw(), player.collide() and the global calibrateViewer(). It calculates the individual player.xSpeed and player.zSpeed from the total player.speed and adjusts the player.position accordingly. It also updates the UI's speed display.
  • spin() calculates the global xzAngle rotation based on user input. The xzAngle dictates both the distribution of player.speed over the X and Z axises, as well as the camera rotation. It updates the UI's angle display.
  • gravity() adjusts player.position.y according to the World's getCurrentY() method.
  • inertia() increments the player.speed while it isn't greater than player.maxSpeed according to the user input (ARROW_DOWN increases the speed, ARROW_UP decreases the speed until it reaches player.maxSpeed * -1).
  • spinertia() (UNTESTED) increases the player.spinSpeed while the left or right arrow key is pressed. This gives an inertia effect to the rotation movement.
  • collide() detects collisions with any Obstacle class objects in the World. If any collisions occur at a player.speed greater than 60% of its maxSpeed, it locks the player's controls by activating the player.selfControlled flag and triggers the player.bounceOff() method.
  • bounceOff() freezes the rendering process and bounces the player by moving its position.y along a parabola calculated based on the player.speed at inverted speed on the X and Z axises. It single-frames the rendering process at a 200ms interval, until the animation length reaches the animation duration time calculated based on a speed / maxSpeed fraction of 6000ms. Once the bounce animation is complete, it resumes the rendering process and hands back control to the user.


First, in the setup() of sketch.js, a new Player() is created with the fov variable as its only argument. It is then rendered after the World and Obstacle classes, since the Player depends on values provided by these classes to function. The handleKeys() function is first called to guide user input to the right places, after which player.move() and player.rotate() are called. After that, a check is ran that provides control locking for the ending animation by setting the player.selfControlled flag to true if the remaining time is less than 5 seconds.

Obstacle class

The Obstacle class renders obstacles in the World. When the Player collides with one, it triggers a player.bounceOff() event.


  • draw() draws the obstacle. It also triggers the Obstacle.gravity() method and, if type is set to moving, calls the Obstacle.move() method too.
  • move() moves the obstacle within its range.x and range.z bounds. It reverses the individual axis speeds when a boundary is hit.
  • gravity() adjusts Obstacle.y according to the World's getCurrentY() method.


For each two Terrain classes generated by World.fillArea(), an Obstacle is created within the boundaries of the current area.

Terrain class

The Terrain class renders the individual planes from which the World is made up.


  • init() initializes the Terrain with its index as the only argument. It calculates the Y position for the plane by taking an average of the Y position of its predecessor ob both the X and Z axis. For the X and Z positions, it takes the current position of the World's renderer (World.fillArea()).
  • draw() draws the Terrain as a cube. If the game is in its final stage (5 seconds before length), it moves the plane's Y position in order to achieve the "world falling apart" effect.


The Terrain class is only called from World.fillArea() and shouldn't be used outside this method's scope, as it's an essential part of the rendering process.

World class

The World class is an umbrella class which renders the Terrain and Obstacle classes, while also providing position information to the Player (like getCurrentPlane() and getCurrentY()).


  • init() fills the World by calling World.fillArea() with its initial boundaries as its arguments.
  • draw() first calls the World.applyFOV() method to adjust the planes array where needed. After that, it draws every plane in the planes array by calling the Terrain's draw() method.
  • fillArea() first initializes the global rayX and rayZ variables to the top left corner of its assigned rendering area. It calculates the amount of planes needed to fill the area, after which the rendering process is started. For each needed plane, it first pushes a new Terrain onto the planes array and calls its init() method. After that, it adjusts the global rayZ by one position in the desired direction (increase when rayInvert is false, otherwise decrease). When the renderer hits the second zBound, the rendering process is inverted. This process repeats until the global rayX equals the second xBound and the rendering process is complete. The rendered area is then filled with Obstacle classes (one for every two planes).
  • applyFOV() draws an imaginary square around the Player within which the World is rendered. The amount of planes that fit in this square is rounded up, so that the rendered World always covers the entire Field Of View. Planes that are outside of these bounds are obsolete and get deleted to save resources. At the end of each run, all out-of-bounds Obstacles are removed.
  • getCurrentPlane() filters the planes array for the one(s) in which a given [x, z] position is contained.
  • getCurrentY() takes the first result of World.getCurrentPlane() to get the Y value for a given [x, z] position.


In setup(), the World class is the first class to be created and initialized, since all other classes depend on parameters available to them through the World class. Its draw() method is then called in p5's draw() function.

OSC Routes


Boolean that indicates that the game has been started and hasn't ended yet. This message is sent once when the startBtn is clicked (a 1 value), and once more when the timer ends (a 0 value).


Collection that has three sub-addresses for the current x, y and z position of the player class. All three are integers that are updated at the refresh rate of the client.


Float that indicates the amount of degrees that the player class is rotated horizontally. The starting position is 0 and it has a range of [-180, 180].


Float that indicates the current total speed of the player class.

/player/xSpeed & /player/zSpeed

Floats that indicate the current speed of the player class on both horizontal axises. These are a fraction of the total speed.

/plane/removed & plane/added

Event emitted when planes are removed or added to the world.


Boolean that indicates when a player.bounceOff() event happens. It emits a 1 value while the player orb bounces, and results to 0 otherwise.


Boolean that indicates when nightMode is triggered. This message is emitted once when the game scene turns to night. The value is always a 1. It won't be emitted when nightMode is inactive.


Integer that holds the current clock value in seconds. This message is sent with every clock update cycle.


Boolean that is triggered once when the End Of Time is reached (5 seconds before the game length). It holds a value of 1.