
Course: Information Security in ZJU Time: 2017/03/01 - 2017/07/01 Teacher: HTL

Primary LanguageC++


Courese Information:

  1. Course: Information-Security in ZJU
  2. Time: 2017/02/01 - 2017/07/01
  3. Teacher: HTL(A teacher love Cola!)

Program Infromation:

  1. Windows + VS 2015(Other Environment is also ok)
  2. See each program under different folders. It involves requirement, source code and a very specific instruction/report about this program.

Lab Catalog

  1. HW1. Password Cracking
  2. HW2. Large number arithmetic
  3. HW3. Public Key & Privaate Key
  4. HW4. Using Wireshark


  1. All codes and notes are open source after my final test.
  2. You are allowed to read all the codes and files, but you are not allowed to copy directly for your assignment.
  3. If you have any problems or ideas want to share with me, please feel free to e-mail to me: lsylayla@163.com