A Vite Plugin extracts resource files referenced in library mode instead of embedded them as base64.
- 6
Asset URL changes when lib rebuilds in watch mode
#92 opened by kanonieer - 6
- 2
- 5
- 9
Using with fontsource
#79 opened by openscript - 2
Wrong path assets
#89 opened by MBehtemam - 8
- 2
Add vite as peerDependency
#84 opened by vahnag - 3
- 11
- 8
Usage with SSR?
#63 opened by segevfiner - 4
Mime type resolution on unknown type
#76 opened by deather - 1
`?inline` query imports are not supported
#74 opened by AriPerkkio - 5
Warning when enabling Sourcemaps
#68 opened by marcelobotega - 1
Usage with monorepo
#67 opened by dwojno - 4
- 13
build.cssCodeSplit option causes wrong file resolution
#60 opened by mspae - 3
- 3
Incorrect path for fonts being generated
#58 opened by akshaybabloo - 2
Fonts doesn't get copied and errors out
#57 opened by akshaybabloo - 2
[Bug] Subfolder asset has incorrect path
#53 opened by voknelis - 19
[commonjs--resolver] data URI with non-JavaScript mime type is not supported.
#34 opened by emosheeep - 3
Emitted files overwriting warning from Rollup
#50 opened by mcmimik - 4
- 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
Duplicated working directory when write file back after replace assets in css
#37 opened by coder-layne - 1
- 8
The plugin cannot generate the correct relative path when preserveModules is enabled.
#30 opened by Nathan7139 - 2
The plugin cannot generate the correct umd.js
#33 opened by MuD11 - 4
tsup kills import.meta.url in cjs build
#31 opened by Ambroos - 3
Failed to resolve vue/compiler-sfc.
#28 opened by floriancargoet - 4
- 13
Plugin ignores font assets
#22 opened by ElijahSink - 3
- 7
Wrong path names in win builds
#17 opened by almaz-khan - 2
- 1
Not working for scss import fonts
#9 opened by philipp-winterle - 1
Style assets:resources enclosed in quotation marks in the URL function are not being extracted
#11 opened by coder-layne - 1
The inconsistent behavior of the 'outputPath' string mode and function mode was confusing
#7 opened by coder-layne - 5
- 0
Assets filtering
#1 opened by coder-layne - 0