
Using the Developer tool console, this IaaC can be used to enable dataverse (connector) in an environment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Using the Developer tool console, this IaaC can be used to enable dataverse (connector) in an environment


  • Open the Support Instance and navigate to Advanced Settings.
  • Open the Browser Console: F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I depending on the browser.
  • Paste the Turn dataverse.js script in the Console section:
  • Run the script(enter)
  • Refresh the window
  • execute the Confirm false.js script
  • execute the Confirm true.js script
  • Observe the response as it should be like this:


  • Validate that the settings were set to true by running the API call: orgurl/api/data/v9.1/organizations?$select=isexternalsearchindexenabled,newsearchexperienceenabled
