
Visualize SQLite database fragmentation

Primary LanguagePython


SQLiteDbVisualizer is a tool to visualize SQLite databases.

It is fairly useful to see the extent of fragmentation in a database. It is not a database schema visualizer.


Use case

See fragmentation and issue VACUUM

http://github.com/laysakura/SQLiteDbVisualizer/raw/master/doc/fragmented.png http://github.com/laysakura/SQLiteDbVisualizer/raw/master/doc/fragmentedVacuumed.png

A database seems fragmented (left). Then issue VACUUM command and defragment it (right).

$ sqlite3 foobar.db vacuum

Filter database pages by B-tree


If you just want to see records in table T0 , then you can filter the output.



SQLiteDbVisualizer command (sqlite-visualizer) has svn-like subcommand interfaces. The simplest usage to visualize a SQLite database as SVG image is shown below.

$ sqlite-visualizer svg foobar.db foobar.svg

For more detailed usage, use help options.

$ sqlite-visualizer -h
$ sqlite-visualizer svg -h



Filtering by B-tree

Use –filterBtrees option to get only pages of your interest.

$ sqlite-visualizer svg foobar.db foobar.svg --filterBtrees T0 T0_idx  # Show only pages related to table "T0" and index "T0_idx"

Pluggable visualizer unit

SQLiteDbVisualizer has database analyzer and visualizer modules separately. Database analyzer (SQLiteAnalyzer.py) reads a SQLite database and output its information in JSON form. See the JSON format in DbInfoTemplate.py .

Only SVG format is supported currently (Json2Svg.py). Looking forward to other visualizers’ pull requests!


  • WAL mode database is not supported
  • Only UTF-8 is supported as TEXT encoding (easily fixed)
  • Not suitable for quite large databases mainly because SVG is not so good format to visualize large images. But you can convert SVG image into other luster formats (lighter to show) like PNG.


SQLiteDbVisualizer is written carefully referring to http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html . Here is the explanation of a bit complicated methods to analyze SQLite database.

Specify page types

B-tree page

  1. Assume a page has b-tree header and read b-tree header flag, cell counts, offset to first free-block, and offset to cell content area.
  2. Check if b-tree header flag is either of 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x02, or 0x05.
  3. Check if both offset to first free-block and offset to cell content area are between b-tree header length (= 8 or 12) and page size, or 0.
  4. Check if cell count is between 0 and (page size) / (minimum cell length (= 5))

Overflow page

A cell with large payload cell can have a link to overflow page. (It is complicated to determine whether a payload is split into overflow pages. See “Track overflow pages” for detail.) Jump to the overflow page and read overflow page header to get a pointer to next overflow page. Last overflow page has 0x00 as a overflow page header.

Freelist pages

Freelist trunk header is found in DB header. Each freelist trunk page has the pointer to the next trunk page and leaf page numbers.

Other pages

Not supported yet

Track overflow pages

  1. Read a payloadSize from a cell.
  2. usableSize = pageSize - reservedSpace. Both pageSize and reservedSpace are read from database header.
  3. maxLocal = usableSize - 35
  4. minLocal = ((usableSize - 12) * 32/255) - 23
  5. If payloadSize <= maxLocal, there is no overflow page for the cell
  6. Else, let localSize = minLocal + ((payloadSize - minLocal) % (usableSize - 4)) a. If localSize > maxLocal, minLocal bytes are in this page. b. Else, localSize bytes are in this page.
  7. Remnant payload is split into overflow pages. Overflow page number is in the last 4 bytes in the cell.
  8. Each overflow page has a link to the next overflow page in page[0x00-0x03]. Page[0x04 - usableSize] is reserved exclusively for the part of the payload.

Read payloads

  1. Read a varint from offset 0 (payloadHeaderSize). Let the varint size be firstStypeOffset.
  2. Read varints from firstStypeOffset to payloadHeaderSize. Treat each value as a Serial Type. (See: http://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html - Serial Type Codes Of The Record Format)
  3. Payload values follow the varints. Each size of the values is calculated from the table “Serial Type Codes Of The Record Format”.
  4. payloadHeaderSize + sum(valueSize) is the payload size.

Relate B-tree and pages

It is beneficial to see the b-tree name (table name or index name) for each b-tree page. But unfortunately, either b-tree pages and cells do not have b-tree name information.

To relate B-tree and pages, tree traversal method was used. sqlite_master table (in first page) has page numbers of root b-trees. And each b-tree interior page has its children pages (nodes) information. (Strictly speaking, a left child is held by a cell and the rightmost child is held by b-tree header.)

Give the b-tree name to each b-tree page while traversal.