
github repository of node js,angularjs for funvest

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Staring server:-goto e:/ottlodevelopment/ottloviewrs-screens grunt dev-debug -–force starting mongodb :- c:/programmefiles/mongodb/server/3.0/bin mongod --dbpath E:\mongodb\test

5.1 Structure of Project

Whole project is written using Angular.js at front end side and node.js at back end side. Grunt is used to generate distribution file. Bower is for managing UI component.

The first file compiled and run by node,js server is server.js file. From here only it is possible to decide our template index page, routes , server port , database config file location and total modules.

Config folder This folder is for setting username and password for database ,aws at development,producrion. We have to add here all models which are used.

Packages folder This the main folder where we write our modules code. In package there is folfer for each and every module and having structure explained below.

Modules folder

As shown in the figure each module logic is divided in two parts public part and server part. Public folder contains the code of front end and server folder contains the code of back end. App.js file creates the angular module and bind this all angular code together and also specify dependencies between modules.

Public folder

Public folder contains the folder called assets, controllers, resources, routes, services, tests, views. Purpose of folder is corresponds to its name. Flow of calling is like first request goes to routes in which list of route is defined. On find of specific route defined view is rendered with its controller. Purpose of controller is to maintain the javascript of the page. Controller may require the services which are reused on different pages or can’t be exposed to user. Service layer can use the resource layer for calling back end API.

Server folder

Server folder contains routes, controller and models. Routes specify the restful API’s path which is available to user. Controller contains the back end logic and models specify the way we want to fetch data from database.

5.2.1 Ottlo console APIs ? List of Useful Functions

ToggleSelection:- Used for adding selected items in an array and remove item from array while deselect checkbox. Location:- sellSlotController Create :- create the object which is ready to be entered in database. Location:- sellSlotService * uploadFileToBucket :- upload file to AWS bucket specified Location:- file-upload service uploadFileToREST :- allow to upload file on local server. Location:- file-upload service $scope.selectedAdsslotWise:- show slotwse selected ads ? List of Useful backend services

/api/ads/getAllAd :- get all ads 30

/api/ads/createAd :- create ad /api/ads/excelUtility :- Excel file reader. /api/Buyer/getAllSellSlots /api/Buyer/getMyAd /api/Buyer/selectedSellslots /api/Buyer/selectedAds /api/seller/sellSlot

5.2.2 Ottlo Viewers’ APIs ? List of Useful Functions

FBInit(appId):-intialize facebook. checkLoginState:-check login status testFBAPI:-test fb login testAWSDeveloperIdentityAPI:- authenticate user with developer identity and get token to access dataset. Synchronize:-sync the data testAWSCognitoAPI: Where authenticated via Facebook ? List of Useful backend services

/login post :- authenticate with passport to store user data in session passport.use('local-login'); Location:-config/passport-config.js ? List of Useful directives

appIcon :- bookIcon:- 31

fileModel:- file-model="myFile" memoryIcon,, playIcon, videoIcon, watchIcon also created

Creating new module in Package:-

add file in gruntfile.js all upto end add route in server.js file add app.min.js in index.ejs in shared add mudule in main app.js

Creating new model:- create new model in package/moduleserver/model js file add in db.config file load in waterline

passport guide:- passport-config.js and route-config.js file login stretagy local login and fblogin link and logic available on official

creting directives:- inshared create directive .js and set partial and parameters

creting front end route :- add it in routes file specify view and controller. service can be reused

AWS services are : for uploading file using aws and rest is created in module ads and access AWS sync ,authenticate using IAM user has been created in ads services module amazon cognito sync service(sync data on aws and device.)

routes to use AWS services:- in access server there are different routes to interact with AWS /api/access/getDeveloperIdentityToken

in screenshots policies photo is there

mongo demo:- access management route contains some demo to connect with momngo