
A WowLua backport for Vanilla WoW

Primary LanguageLua


A WowLua backport for Vanilla WoW

WowLua is an in-game Lua scripting environment that includes an interactive Lua interpreter as well as a multi-page script editor. Other features include:

  • Syntax coloring, courtesy of krka's spectacular For All Indents and Purposes librar
  • Sleek buttons, courtesy of Mikk
  • When WowLua is running code, it defines a global function print() which directs output to the WowLua window, for convenience. This global is removed when not running from WowLua
  • Can run WowLua pages from the commandline using /wowluarun or /luarun. Each slash command takes the name of a page, and prints any issues or activity to the chat frame. These can thus be used from macros.
  • Can open WowLua using /wowlua or /lua. Both of these slash commands will take a lua expression and run it, if provided:

/lua print(14) will open WowLua and print the number 14 to the output window.
