PhD Template


Available Options:

  • Language: English, Greek
  • Phase: Proposal, Report, Thesis
  • Status: Final, Draft

These options can be set in ./main.tex

Based on the options above, one can use the ./tools/ script to build the main.tex file. Example generated file: ./PhD - Jane Doe - Thesis - Draft.pdf

Output of python3 tools/ --build --help :

usage:  [-h] [--file FILE] [--build-dir BUILD_DIR] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]
        [--phase {proposal,report,thesis,detect,all} [{proposal,report,thesis,detect,all} ...]]
        [--language {english,greek,detect,all} [{english,greek,detect,all} ...]]
        [--status {draft,final,detect,all} [{draft,final,detect,all} ...]]
        [--all] [--docker]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file FILE           Path to the main .tex file.
                        Default: ./main.tex
  --build-dir BUILD_DIR
                        Output directory.
                        Default: ./build
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output directory.
                        Default: ./dist
  --phase {proposal,report,thesis,detect,all} [{proposal,report,thesis,detect,all} ...]
                        Phase(s) to use.
                        Available phases: proposal | report | thesis | detect | all.
                        Default: detect from tex file.
  --language {english,greek,detect,all} [{english,greek,detect,all} ...]
                        Language(s) to use.
                        Available languages: english | greek | detect | all.
                        Default: detect from tex file.
  --status {draft,final,detect,all} [{draft,final,detect,all} ...]
                        Status(es) to use.
                        Available statuses: draft | final | detect | all.
                        Default: detect from tex file.
  --all                 Alias for: --phase all --language all --status all. Overrides existing --phase --language --status arguments if any.
  --docker              Use docker image (texlive/texlive:latest) instead of local texlive (xelatex, biber).