
A set of common python utility modules.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Laza Common

A set of common python utility modules.


Install from PyPi

pip install laza-common

Full install. Installs all optional dependencies.

pip install laza-common[all]

Optional Dependencies

The following features/modules have additional dependecies that you might need to install:-

  • json which requires orjson
pip install laza-common[json]
  • locale which requires babel
pip install laza-common[locale]
  • moment which requires arrow
pip install laza-common[moment]
  • money which requires py-moneyed
pip install laza-common[money]
  • networks which requires pydantic[email]
pip install laza-common[networks]
  • phone which requires phonenumbers
pip install laza-common[phone]

or you can pick a set

pip install laza-common[phone,json,money]


Coming soon.


This package is still in active development and should not be used in production environment