Simple command line file parser for hentai nukes utilizing hentai-chan's wrapper.
It sorts and filters nuke codes from either a file or string making an output file containing url : title
of nukes
with the option to download the images of all the nukes.
PS: Incorrect nukes are filtered out.
run in directory to install packages:
pipenv install
or pip install requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-f FILE | -s STRING [STRING ...]] [-o [OUT]] [-d]
py -f nukes.txt
py -s 177013 21031 3450000 -o somefile.txt -d
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE -f [FILE] filename Default file name is 'nukes.txt'
-s STRING [STRING ...], --string STRING [STRING ...] -s [string] multiple strings can follow
-o [OUT], --out [OUT] -o [FILE].....OUTPUT file Default file name is 'output.txt'
-d, --download if present downloads the files to a folder