
LESS mixins for the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module 2012 Editor's Draft with optional fallbacks for the 2009 W3C Working Draft.


A configurable set of LESS mixins that enables use of the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module 2012 Editor's Draft prefixed or un-prefixed with optional fallbacks for the 2009 W3C Working Draft.


flexless supports 3 boolean configuration values that let you quickly drop support for either of the drafts or remove prefixes (if the spec is fully supported by the browsers you choose to support).

  • @flexbox-compat: Include Flexbox 2009 with prefixes
  • @flexbox-prefix: Include Flexbox 2012 with prefixes
  • @flexbox-bare: Include Flexbox 2012 without prefixes



Place the flexbox/ folder in the same directly as your .less file and add the following line:

@import 'flexbox/flexbox.less';


Define the configuration as desired, then import flexbox/mixins.less and/or flexbox/classes.less:

@flexbox-compat: false;    // Do not support Flexbox 2009 with prefixes
@flexbox-prefix: false;    // Do not support Flexbox 2012 with prefixes
@flexbox-bare: true;       // We only want to support Flexbox 2012 without prefixes

@import 'flexbox/mixins.less'; // We only need the mixins (no CSS classes)


The following mixins are provided:

  • .flex
    Make a box into a flex box that will contain flex items.

  • .flex-direction(@direction)
    Apply to flex boxes to set direction. Row arranges flex items horizontally, column arranges flex items vertically.
    @direction: row, row-reverse, column, column-reverse

  • .flex-ratio(@ratio)
    Apply to flex items to set their span ratio, or how much of the available space they will take up.
    @ratio: Number

  • .flex-order(@order) Apply to a flex item to set its order in the flex box, with the lowest order being displayed first.
    @order: Number

  • .flex-justify(@justify)
    Apply to a flex box to set the same-axis alignment of its flex items.
    @justify: flex-start, flex-end, center, or space-between
    space-around is not supported for 2009 compatibility.

  • .flex-align(@align)
    Apply to a flex box to set the cross-axis alignment of its flex items.
    @align: flex-start, flex-end, center, stretch, baseline

  • .flex-wrap(@wrap)
    Apply to flex boxes to set wrapping
    @wrap: nowrap, wrap, wrap-reverse


In addition to mixins, an optional set of classes are provided if you prefer to use CSS classes to define the behavior of your flexboxes.

  • .flex

  • .flex-justify-start

  • .flex-justify-end

  • .flex-justify-center

  • .flex-justify-end

  • .flex-align-start

  • .flex-align-end

  • .flex-align-center

  • .flex-align-stretch

  • .flex-align-baseline

  • .flex-direction-row

  • .flex-direction-row-rev

  • .flex-direction-column

  • .flex-direction-column-rev

  • .flex-wrap

  • .flex-nowrap

  • .flex-wrap-reverse

  • .flex-ratio-1

  • .flex-ratio-2

  • .flex-ratio-3

  • .flex-ratio-4

  • .flex-ratio-5

  • .flex-ratio-6

  • .flex-ratio-7

  • .flex-ratio-8

  • .flex-ratio-9

  • .flex-ratio-10

  • .flex-order-1

  • .flex-order-2

  • .flex-order-3

  • .flex-order-4

  • .flex-order-5

  • .flex-order-6

  • .flex-order-7

  • .flex-order-8

  • .flex-order-9

  • .flex-order-10