
Style Dictionary transforms to add support for sets for things like responsive design.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

npm version tests workflow

Style Dictionary Sets

This is a collection of transforms and formatters for adding support for sets to Style Dictionary.


for yarn:

yarn add style-dictionary-sets

for npm:

npm install style-dictionary-sets


attribute/sets transform

In the config.js bring in the transform, register it to Style Dictionary and add it to the transforms array.

const StyleDictionary = require("style-dictionary");
const AttributeSetsTransform = require("style-dictionary-sets").AttributeSetsTransform;


module.exports = {
  source: ["tokens/**/*.json"],
  platforms: {
    JSON: {
      buildPath: "dist/json/",
      transforms: ["attribute/sets"],
      files: ...

This will add the a sets array property to the attributes object on DesignToken if a token path contains the keyword sets. The value added to the sets array is the subsequent string in the path object.


A source like this (tests/fixtures/basic.json):

  "component": {
    "size": {
      "sets": {
        "mobile": {
          "value": "15px"
        "desktop": {
          "value": "12px"

will transform the tokens to provide the following data to subsequent transforms and formatters:

  tokens: [
      value: "15px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/basic.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "15px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-mobile",
      attributes: { sets: ["mobile"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "mobile"],
      value: "12px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/basic.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "12px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-desktop",
      attributes: { sets: ["desktop"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "desktop"],

If you add multiple nested 'sets', it will add the subsequent strings in path order.

So this source data:

  "component": {
    "size": {
      "sets": {
        "subSystemOne": {
          "sets": {
            "mobile": {
              "value": "15px"
            "desktop": {
              "value": "12px"
        "subSystemTwo": {
          "sets": {
            "mobile": {
              "value": "16px"
            "desktop": {
              "value": "13px"

will add transform the tokens to have the sets attribute like this:

  tokens: [
      value: "15px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/nest-sets-no-refs.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "15px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-sub-system-one-sets-mobile",
      attributes: { sets: ["subSystemOne", "mobile"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "subSystemOne", "sets", "mobile"],
      value: "12px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/nest-sets-no-refs.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "12px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-sub-system-one-sets-desktop",
      attributes: { sets: ["subSystemOne", "desktop"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "subSystemOne", "sets", "desktop"],
      value: "16px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/nest-sets-no-refs.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "16px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-sub-system-two-sets-mobile",
      attributes: { sets: ["subSystemTwo", "mobile"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "subSystemTwo", "sets", "mobile"],
      value: "13px",
      filePath: "tests/fixtures/nest-sets-no-refs.json",
      isSource: true,
      original: { value: "13px" },
      name: "component-size-sets-sub-system-two-sets-desktop",
      attributes: { sets: ["subSystemTwo", "desktop"] },
      path: ["component", "size", "sets", "subSystemTwo", "sets", "desktop"],

json/sets formatter

Some of this functionality is still being updated and refined for specific uses.

css/sets formatter