
My config files for git, zsh and more

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Getting going on a new machine

On old machine

Ensure ~/.dotfiles is up to date on the old machine.

Then, create a backup of other misc files:

cd ~/.dotfiles

This will create a file, backup.tar.gz, in the home directory, which contains files and directories with sensitive information that isn't suitable for storing in a public repo like this one.

Copy this file somewhere that the new machine can access it.

Also ensure that any other files and directories are backed up -- particularly ~/Code!

Install Homebrew

Install homebrew using instructions from https://brew.sh

This makes the core dependencies (like git) available, via the Apple Developer Tools.

Transfer essentials from old machine

Restore the backup of sensitive information:

cd ~
tar xzvf backup.tar.gz

Clone this repo

We need to get this repo onto the machine.

git clone git@github.com/lazyatom/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles

Brew bundle

Then use the included Brewfile to install core apps and dependencies. This will take a while.

cd ~/.dotfiles
brew bundle

When the bundle starts working from the App Store, it will fail if you haven't already signed in, so do that now too. You can quit the App Store after.

Change user shell to fish

Once at least fish is installed, add it to the list of acceptable shells:

echo `which fish` | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s `which fish`

Install dotfiles

Once at least fish and git are installed, you can properly install the actual dotfiles

cd ~/.dotfiles

This will symlink a bunch of configuration files

Install Oh My Fish

curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish | fish

This should then automatically install any packages required.

Install a patched version of chruby-fish

mkdir -p ~/Code/forks
git clone git@github.com:bouk/chruby-fish.git ~/Code/forks/chruby-fish
cd ~/Code/forks/chruby-fish
git checkout rewrite-fish
make install

Install Backblaze

Run Backblaze and inherit the previous system backup state.

Change terminal font to Hack Nerd Font Complete 14pt


Looks like the builds of emacs might not be portable, so building them by hand is required.

git clone git@github.com:jimeh/build-emacs-for-macos.git ~/Code/forks/build-emacs-for-macos
cd ~/Code/forks/build-emacs-for-macos
brew bundle
./build-emacs-for-macos --git-sha fd9e9308d27138a16e2e93417bd7ad4448fea40a feature/native-comp

This will take a while.

Command-line wrappers

Create wrapper scripts in /usr/local/bin/emacs:


exec /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs $@

and /usr/local/bin/emacsclient:


exec /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/bin/emacsclient $@

Emacs configuration

We use chemacs and doom. The configuration is installed earlier as part of the dotfiles, but we need to actually install doom itself.

mkdir ~/.emacs-configs
git clone git@github.com:hlissner/doom-emacs.git ~/.emacs-configs/doom
doom sync

This may also take a while, to natively compile everything.

After this, you should be able to run Emacs and see Doom.

Font installation

The Doom modeline needs a font -- install it by running the all-the-icons-install-font function.


Run the 1Password app, and log in to the 1Password.com account.


Run the dropbox app, and log in


As of 10.4, the authentication set up by MariaDB is different. A user will be created with the same username as the unix account, but it won't be possible to authenticate that user over anything but the unix socket, which isn't super-useful for Rails when configuring databases using URLs.

So instead, run this:

brew services start mariadb
mysql -e 'SET PASSWORD FOR "james"@"localhost" = PASSWORD("");'

After this, you should be able to connect to the database using Rails and Sequel Ace.

Compilation failures

Some of the clang tooling in Big Sur breaks gem builds by default. The fix is to ignore some warnings:

bundle config build.bcrypt-ruby --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"
bundle config build.github-markdown --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"
bundle config build.puma --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"
bundle config build.pg --with-cflags="-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration"

Similarly, some other things have issues compiling:

vterm under Emacs

To fix this, after compilation failed I had to edit the file at ~/.emacs-configs/doom/.local/straight/build-<dir>/vterm/build/libvterm-prefix/src/libvterm/Makefile, changing the line that starts with override CFLAGS to include -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration.

There might be a better way of fixing all these errors at once, but until then...

In apps:

  • install ruby using ruby-install, e.g. ruby-install ruby 2.6.5
  • then install bundler globally: gem install bundler
  • then install bundle: bi