
Ludum Dare 46 game

Primary LanguageC


Potato is a framework and a base to do a video game in C++ with SFML.

It's based on the book SFML Game Development edited by Packt. I can only advise you to get your copy of the book, it's awesome ! You can checkout the book GitHub repository as well.

Even if I change proposed code to fit my needs, I publish it with the same restrictions, meaning : You are free to use and modify the code as you wish, except for commercial use.

It needs :

  • A good understanding of C++
  • A compiler that support C++11 (lambda, nullptr, shared ptr, threads)
  • SFML 2.0
  • Lua 5.2 lib

It includes :

  • Window handling
  • Input and events (even game event) handling
  • States and State Stack
  • Entities and Scene Tree
  • Resources Handling
  • Very Simple GUI (buttons and text zones)
  • Music and Sound handling
  • LUA scripting language
  • (Very) Simple animations (spritesheets)
  • Simple Particle system
  • Simple QuadTree (non-object-number-adaptative)

It will include :

  • Visual Effect (interface for shaders)


You can open a simple window with the code "as-is". Simply create a main.cpp and do :

int main()
    try {
        unsigned int width = 1024, height = width * 3/4; // Ratio 4:3
        Application game(width, height, "Potato for life");
    } catch(std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << std::endl << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Once you've done that, I let you discover the framework in details.

To add screens, inherit from the State class, add your State::ID into the states/stateidentifiers.h file. Then, register your state in Application::registerStates() method.

To add entities, inherit from SceneNode or Entity.

Then implement your whole gameplay.