
Simple notification system for Symfony

Primary LanguagePHP





The bundle configuration is optional, it allows you to define the handler to use given the importance of the Notification.

The handler to use for a Notification can also be defined in the Notification::getHandlers() method directly. Also, this method will override the bundle configuration.

# config/packages/lazybobcat_notification.yaml
        # Handlers (by aliases) to use given the importance of the notification
        high: ['email']
        medium: ['doctrine']
        low: []


A handler is responsible for sending/writing notifications. A handler can save a notification in any kind database, send it by email, put it in the session or even nothing! It's up to your application.

By default, this bundle does not come with any useful notification handlers (yet?).

You will need to define your own handlers and to do that, you need to create a class that implements the interface Lazybobcat\NotificationBundle\Handler\HandlerInterface and tag it as notification.handler in your config/services.yaml:

        - {name: 'notification.handler', alias: 'doctrine'}

The alias is mandatory as it will be used in handler_strategy: configurations as well as in Notification::getHandlers()!

You can create as many handlers as you want, and a Notification can be sent through any number of handlers.

Handlers have to declare what type of Notification and what type of Recipient they can manage. If a Handler is provided with a Notification and Recipient that does not qualify, an error will be thrown.


class DoctrineHandler implements HandlerInterface
    // ...

    public function supports(Notification $notification, RecipientInterface $recipient): bool
        return $notification instanceof DoctrineNotification && ($recipient instanceof UserRecipient || $recipient instanceof GroupRecipient);

    public function send(Notification $notification, RecipientInterface $recipient): void
        // ...

When you send the Notification, you can either give it the Handlers (aliases) you want to send the notification through or rely on the configuration by importance (see "Configuration"):

$notification->setHandlers(['email', 'doctrine']);
$notifier->send($notification, new MyCustomRecipient());

// or

$notification->setImportance(Notification::HIGH); // rely on 'handler_strategy' configuration for 'high' importance
$notifier->send($notification, new MyCustomRecipient());


That's the notified person(s). It can be anyone or anything you want as long as you implement Lazybobcat\NotificationBundle\Recipient\RecipientInterface.

The recipient will be provided in the Handler methods and from there you will be able to extract the data you need to send the Notification to the right place.

Here is an example of a database User recipient:

class UserRecipient implements RecipientInterface
    private User $user;

    public function __construct(User $user)
        $this->user = $user;

    public function getUser(): User
        return $this->user;

Or an example of a group of several users identified by a "role":

class GroupRecipient implements RecipientInterface
    private string $role;

    public function __construct(string $role)
        $this->role = $role;

    public function getRole(): string
        return $this->role;


The sender is optional. You can provide the notification with a Sender. A sender class implements Lazybobcat\NotificationBundle\Sender\SenderInterface.

$notification = new MyCustomNotification("Hello world!");
$notification->setSender(new MyCustomSender());