Open source contributions' tracker for organisations
NOTE: Karma Tracker is still work in progress and many more features and enhancement are planned to be released soon. Stay tuned!
Karma Tracker generates contributions' reports to public projects by the developers of an organisation. It uses the GitHub events API v3 in order to track the developers' activity and extract meaningful information. The reports include information like: the top 20 projects, the top 10 languages, the types of contributions and the developers involved. Each of them refers to a specific month of the year.
GitHub stores the last 300 events (or three months) for each developer so Karma Tracker stores them in a MongoDB database and read them later to create reports.
To populate the database run a MongoDB instance (as explained later) and run the command
$ lein run update
when finished start the API server
$ lein run api
the server is going to listen to the port 8000.
Now you can start the UI
$ cd ui
$ ui> yarn
$ ui> yarn start
Open the browser at http://localhost:3333 and have fun.
The app and tests need to connect to a MongoDB instance. If you do not have one running locally, you can use the official Docker image:
$ docker-compose up -d
By default, the connection is to mongodb://
This may be overridden with the environment variable MONGODB_URI
, which is of the form mongodb://username:password@host:port/database