Fully functioning Binance Trading bot that Buys cryptocurrency based on Daily news sentiment from the top 100 crypto feeds. Main Features: Pull and analyse the last headline from the top 100 crypto news sites Provide an overview on the most mentioned coin across all the headlines Analyse the sentiment of each headline and categorise the output by coin Place a Buy order if the compound sentiment is positive The bot sells %99.5 of the coins it bought in order to avoid exceptions "coins_in_hand" dictionary stores the amount of coins the bot bought and currently holding. Configurable options Works with any number of cryptocurrencies For a complete step-by-step setup guide please see: https://www.cryptomaton.org/2021/04/17/how-to-code-a-binance-crypto-trading-bot-that-trades-based-on-daily-news-sentiment/
This is a fully functioning Binance trading bot that takes into account the news sentiment for the top 100 crypto feeds. If you like this project consider donating though the Brave browser to allow me to continuously improve the script.