
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A soothing way to wake up to the time and weather.

Daylight Preview


  • Responsive vertical orientation (horizontal coming soon!) to allow for any resolution TV.
  • Blue when it's about to rain, Grey on the weekend, Yellow otherwise.
  • 12-hour chart, including precipitation.
  • Current conditions update 10 minutes.
  • Hourly forecast updates every hour.
  • The site will automatically reload every 24 hours to make sure the latest code is always available.


Create a free api account at Weather Underground and simply use that key in the url below: http://daylight.danmconrad.com/?token=YOUR_API_KEY



To install and run the dev server:

$ git clone https://github.com/danmconrad/daylight.git
$ cd daylight
$ npm install
$ npm start

Build & Deploy

After making changes to the repo:

$ git add . && git commit -am "feat: my cool feature"
$ npm run build
$ git add . && git commit -am "chore: build"
$ git push origin
$ npm run deploy

The deploy process will checkout a new branch names gh-pages and include only the dist folder contents in that branch. It will then push up those changes to a remote version of gh-pages. Your site is now accessible at http://USERNAME.github.io/daylight.

Creating a kiosk w/ a Raspberry Pi

Check out the Daylight Kiosk installation instructions to turn a TV+Pi into a monitor that automatically turns on and off.

Query Params

Param Values Default Description
showLocation 'true', 'false' false Will show the autodetected or forced location
token string null Wunderground API Key
units 'metric', 'imperial' 'imperial' Will show temperatures as F/C, and change the date format
zipCode string null A forced location instead of autodetection