
A white box code scan powered by ChatGPT

Primary LanguageGo


A white box code scan powered by ChatGPT


  • common vulnerabilities scan
  • taint sink scan

🔮 Preview

Content below in preiew are generated by ChatGPTScan with command

python chatgptscan.py common_scan --project ./go-sec-code --language "['go']"  --include "['controllers/cmdi.go','utils']"   --proxy


python chatgptscan.py taint_sink_scan --sink "exec.Command"  --project ./go-sec-code --language "['go']"  --include "['controllers/cmdi.go','utils']"   --proxy

Scan on go-sec-code

1. common vulnerabilities scan

File: utils/securityUtils.go:

  • No vulnerabilities found.

File: utils/gogs.go:

  • No vulnerabilities found.

File: controllers/cmdi.go:

  • CommandInjectVuln1Controller.Get():

    • Vulnerability: High
    • The dir parameter is passed directly into a system command without proper input validation, which allows an attacker to inject malicious code and execute arbitrary commands on the targeted system.
  • CommandInjectVuln2Controller.Get():

    • Vulnerability: High
    • The host parameter is passed directly into a system command without proper input validation, which allows an attacker to inject malicious code and execute arbitrary commands on the targeted system.
  • CommandInjectVuln3Controller.Get():

    • Vulnerability: High
    • The repoUrl parameter is passed directly into a system command without proper input validation, which allows an attacker to inject malicious code and execute arbitrary commands on the targeted system using the ${touch /tmp/pwnned} command injection payload.
  • CommandInjectSafe1Controller.Get():

    • Vulnerability: Medium
    • The dir parameter is only checked against a whitelist but not properly sanitized, which can still allow an attacker to perform command injection if they are able to bypass or workaround the filter.

2. taint sink scan

Yes, there are function call chains in the code where remote input in request can become input or parameter of exec.Command. Here is the function call chain where a remote dir value in the request can become input or parameter of exec.Command in the CommandInjectVuln1Controller controller:

fmt.Sprintf("ls %s", dir)
exec.Command("bash", "-c", input)

Here is the function call chain where a remote host value in the request can become input or parameter of exec.Command in the CommandInjectVuln2Controller controller:

fmt.Sprintf("curl %s", host)
exec.Command("bash", "-c", input)

And here is the function call chain where a remote repoUrl value in the request can become input or parameter of exec.Command in the CommandInjectVuln3Controller controller:

c.GetString("repoUrl", "--upload-pack=${touch /tmp/pwnned}")
exec.Command("git", "ls-remote", repoUrl, "refs/heads/main")

🚀 Install

python 3.8 or above

git clone https://github.com/YulinSec/ChatGPTScanner
cd ChatGPTScanner
pip install -r requirements.txt

🔧 Usage

$ python chatgptscan.py --help

    chatgptscan.py - ChatGPTScan help summary page

    chatgptscan.py - COMMAND | <flags>

    A white box code scan powered by ChatGPT


        python chatgptscan.py common_scan --project ./benchmark --language "['python']" --include "['directory']" --proxy

        python chatgptscan.py common_scan --project ./go-sec-code --language "['go']" --include "['controllers/cmdi.go','utils']"  --proxy

        python chatgptscan.py taint_sink_scan --project ./benchmark --language "['python']" --sink "os.system()"  --exclude "['directory/exclude.go']"

        --project       path to target project
        --language      languages of the project, decide which file extension will be loaded
        --include       files send to ChatGPT, relative directory or relative filepath, match by prefix 
        --exclude       files not send to ChatGPT, relative directory or relative filepath, match by prefix 
        --sink          decrible your sink, only works in taint_sink_scan
        --key           openai api key, also get from environment variable OPENAI_API_KEY
        --proxy         openai api proxy
        --dry           dry run, not send files to ChatGPT

note: you should set your OPENAI_API_KEY first!