A python library to control the AD9959 DDS Evaluation Board. This library is based on the MIT Labview drivers and the official documentation of the AD9959.
To install the package from source simply do
git clone <link to repo>
cd evalcontrol
python3 setup.py install
Requirements: This library works on top of pyusb
which uses libusb
so these should both be installed as well.
To install libusb
on windows, see instructions below.
If you want to use the library, i.e. access the evaluation board, without root rights run the following steps first.
- Add the user to the plugdev group
sudo useradd -G plugdev USERNAME
- Add the evaluation board to the plugdev group by edditing a new rules file
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-ad9959.rules
and adding the following lineATTRS{idProduct}=="PRODUCT_ID", ATTRS{idVendor}=="VENDOR_ID", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"
where PRODUCT_ID and VENDOR_ID are replaced by the respective IDs (mind the quotes). - Reload the udev rules
sudo udevadm trigger
To use the package within artiq
just activate the corresponding virtual environment and run
python3 setup.py install
When accessing the device in the preparation phase of an experiment, use the AD9959.reset()
method to prevent USBErrors due to timeout.
To use this package on windows, you need to install a port of the libusb driver.
- Download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb-win32/
- copy
to C:\Windows\System32 - copy
to C:\Windows\System32\drivers - add a filter for the AD9959 using the
python-raspbian-envdef compute_ftwdef set_ftw- def push_ftw
- def compute_ACR
def set_ACR- def push_ACR