
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

qiskit-3-neutrino: Neutrino oscillations in a 3 level quantum system

Harnessing the power of 3-level systems such as transmon qutrits to the standard three-flavor paradigm of neutrino oscillations.

Coding files Negavitation

Our coding files is at folder notebooks, which includes 3 jupyter notebooks, namely Netrino_Qutrit_Armonk.ipynb, neutrino_classical_numpy.ipynb, Assess_Higher_new.ipynb. The neutrino_classical_numpy.ipynb file has classical simulations of neutrino oscillation to use as a benchmark. The Access_Higher_new.ipynb file includes frequency spectroscopy and Rabi experiments on ibmq_armonk. More importantly, the quantum execution of neutrino as a qutrit on IBM Armonk is in file Netrino_Qutrit_Armonk.ipynb

Final Project

Due Date: June 4, 2021

The final submission should include:

  • Scientific report - 2-3 pages in pdf format, including:

    • Motivation (Which research questions do you want to address with this project?)
    • Implementation (What was your strategy to answer those questions? How did you divide the tasks among your teammates?)
    • Project results (What did you achieve?)
    • Impact-outlook (Which value does this project bring? What are the future perspectives? What still needs to be done?)
  • GitHub repo: Structured & easily readable.

    • Please comment the code as much as you can. As an example, you may want to have a look at the style guide that we use for Qiskit contributions.
    • To enforce a consistent code style in the project, we use Pylint and pycodesytle to verify that code contributions conform to and respect the project’s style guide.
    • To verify that your changes conform to the style guide, run: tox -elint
  • 3-minute pre-recorded video presentation:

    • Crisp summary of the scientific report



This is an ambitious project that involve interdisciplinary understanding of two very complex fields, namely transmon physics and neutrino physics. We are students from various backgrounds with neither the experience nor the resources to any of the sub-field, and with the hit from COVID-19 affecting our most senior member (thank you and get well soon @lazyoracle Anurag Saha Roy!) during the crucial Phase 2, we struggle to put together a presentable effort.