

Ansible requires ssh to work, so if it still needs to be done, you have to configure ssh with the publickey authentication on the remote server.

$ ssh-copy-id user@server

User user have to be added to /etc/sudoers file (or be in sudo group)!



Prepare your own hosts:

cp hosts_example hosts


To install docker on debian:

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/docker/install-dockerd.yml

To add configured user to docker group (if required):

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/docker/user-mod.yml

Remote docker via docker api

Nowadays, the preferred way to access the remote docker instance is through the ssh protocol (at least to me); however, if, for some reason, you want to expose the docker api on the remote host, you can use the configure-systemd playbook for that.

To configure docker api on port 2375 (systemd):

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/docker/configure-systemd.yml

If you want to secure your api with certificates (port 2376, configure-systemd-tls.yml) you have to first generate certs and put them in tsl directory:

  • docker.key
  • docker.pem
  • myCA.pem