Color guesser game backed

This is a server created on Express using Typescript for providing all the bussines logic for the color guesser game.


npm install -> Install dependencies

npm run start -> run the development server using serverless offline plugin

npm run test -> Launch all unit tests ∏



Endpoin TYPE Data needed Returned value
/newGame POST {maxAttempt: number} gameId: string
/guess POST {gameId:string, correctColors: number} WIN/LOST/number_of_hits


To deploy your app on AWS Lambda you will need to provide in your .env file the following variables:

NODE_ENV --> env of application (development/production) ACCESS_KEY --> Access key of your IAM user SECRET_KEY --> Secret key of your IAM user BUCKET_NAME --> Name of the S3 bucket where to store the data


sls deploy --stage production --> for productioon

sls deploy --stage development --> for development