
CSV template Rails plugin - this is now unmaintained - please use https://github.com/dasil003/csv_builder instead

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

CSV Builder

Please note:

We no longer maintain this plugin - if you want to make use of it then we recommend you use Gabe da Silveira’s fork https://github.com/dasil003/csv_builder. Gabe is actively maintaining his fork and has already converted it into a gem and upgraded it to work with Rails 3.

The CSV Builder Rails plugin provides a simple templating system for serving dynamically generated CSV files from your application.


CSV Builder requires Rails v2.1.

It also depends upon the FasterCSV gem fastercsv.rubyforge.org, which you can install with

$ sudo gem install fastercsv

Encoding conversions are done with Iconv, so make sure you have it on your development/production machine.


CSV template files are suffixed with ‘.csv.csvbuilder’, for example ‘index.csv.csvbuilder’

Add rows to your CSV file in the template by pushing arrays of columns into the csv object.

# First row
csv << [ 'cell 1', 'cell 2' ]
# Second row
csv << [ 'another cell value', 'and another' ]
# etc...

You can set the default filename for that a browser will use for ‘save as’ by setting @filename instance variable in your controller’s action method e.g.

@filename = 'report.csv'

You can set the input encoding and output encoding by setting @input_encoding and @output_encoding instance variables. These default to ‘UTF-8’ and ‘LATIN1’ respectively. e.g.

@output_encoding = 'UTF-8'

You can set @csv_options instance variable to define options for FasterCSV generator. For example:

@csv_options = { :force_quotes => true, :col_sep => ';' }

You can also attach a csv file to mail sent out by your application by including a snippet like the following in your mailer method

attachment "text/csv" do |attachment|
  attachment.body = render(:file => 'example/index.csv.csvbuilder')
  attachment.filename = 'report.csv'

Copyright © 2008 Econsultancy.com and 2009 Vidmantas Kabošis, released under the MIT license.