ExpressJS Project

This is a boilerplate to start new Node + ExpressJS projects. It also comes with ESLint and Prettier configured and installed. Also, to be able to run automated tests, Jest also comes configured and installed.

In addition, some utility entities and use cases, like user, sign in, sign up etc., are already pre-built using the Repository Pattern and implemented using Mongoose to connect with MongoDB.

Getting Started

Before starting

This project uses Husky and git-commit-msg-linter to run some CI pipelines to ensure that only tested and standardized commits will be accepted. To install the CI pipelines, just run the following commands:

  yarn install
  yarn prepare

Running Tests

To run the automated tests just run:

yarn test

To check the coverage of the tests, run

yarn test:ci

Configuring the environment

To configure the environment create a file called .env. Fill it according to the content of the file .env.example. It is needed to have MongoDB running.

Running the server

After installing the packages, configuring the environment and setting up MongoDB, to start the development server, just run:

yarn dev

In order to star the production server, run:

yarn start


You can find the Postman documentation for the implemented routes in express-base-api.postman-collection.json.