
This is the base work for RFC 4006 updates

Primary LanguageXSLT


This project serves as a basis for RFC 4006 XML file and a proposed BIS. The most recent upload to IETF is at https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dime-rfc4006bis-11 .

Getting Started

  1. Download this project.
  2. Open the draft-bertz-dime-rfc4006bis.xml in a browser.

Converting to Text or other IETF format

Upload draft-bertz-dime-rfc4006bis.xml at http://xml2rfc.ietf.org/ and select the desired output format.

Note(s) to Authors


I-D (Internet Drafts) MUST have their file name the same as thier document title. Because the title is version specific this isn't very version control friendly.

Authors have a few options to overcome this:

  • Rename the file before submission in the repository. For an in progress draft with many co-authors it can become a real headache.
  • Rename the file as part of submission but do not keep a repository copy. This seems okay until you get a lot of feedback from the mailing list on multiple versions. Then you have to go back and figure out if the matter(s) in quetsion have been resolved by looking at the older versions.
  • Keep a master file AND the version copies. This initially sounds odd and makes the repository ugly but will keepmost folks sane. It is important however to ensure some separation. To that end keeps a past revisions directory is usually the best option.

The option adopted here is the 3rd one. It does require some management on the part of the version submitter.

VERSION Submission

When ready to submit create a new file under the 'versions' folder. Do NOT udpate the master file. Once submitted please update this document as well. Submission is done via this page: https://datatracker.ietf.org/submit/. Please consult the idnits tool before submission, however, some nits may be accpetable.

Versions (under release directory)

The following revisions are present in the 'versions' directory: