
Massive-neutrino Power Spectrum Emulator

Primary LanguagePython

To get started, install this repo as well as this other repo (LINK) in the typical Pythonic fashion (e.g. navigate to directory and run pip install -e .) and download "Hnu4c_wiggler.cle" from the following Google Drive link:


To predict the power spectrum for a particular cosmology,

To-do before we can publish:

  • We need to retire the unc_emu somehow, or at least the use should request it separately. otherwise an underscore must be used

  • does the user need to download lil_k? maybe not, since the emu assumes lil_k only in the original predictions--what it returns depends on what k values the user gives

How to use this?

Instructions for this package will come at a later time.

You'll need build tools in case you're trying to wire Brenda on Windows: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/ But, in the end, it probably won't work anyway. I wasn't ever able to install Brenda on Windows...


  • How should we distribute the emulator files? Those are extremely heavy and, although serialized, don't make much sense for the repo itself. Can I host the files somewhere else and simply direct the users to them from this README?
  • What if I made various emulator files for various numbers of training samples? e.g. Hnu3_2k Hnu3_3k, Hnu3_4k. Then, we could put a brief table in this README featuring numbers relating the accuracy-versus-speed tradeoff.