
Primary LanguagePython

Unsupervised discovery of tissue architechture with graphs (UTAG)

This package implements a microanatomical structure segmentation method and outlines possible downstream structural analysis for multiplexed histology images such as Imaging Mass Cytometry (IMC), CODEX, Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging by Time Of Flight (MIBI-TOF), Cyclic Immunofluorescence (CyCIF), and etc in python.

Getting Started

Install by cloning repository and running setup.py

git clone https://github.com/ElementoLab/utag.git
pip install utag/.


  • Python 3.7+ (was run on 3.8.2)
  • Python packages:
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • scipy
    • anndata
    • scanpy
    • squidpy
    • tifffile
    • scikit-image
    • tensorflow
    • matplotlib
    • tqdm
    • parmap

Install using pip

Under development: The package has not yet been deployed to PyPI, but will be deployed in the near future.

pip install utag

Basic Usage Principles

To run the method on a single slide:

from utag import utag
utag_results = utag(
    clustering_method = 'leiden', 
    resolutions = [0.05, 0.1, 0.3]

To run the method on multiple slides in batch mode:

from utag import utag
utag_results = utag(
    clustering_method = 'leiden', 
    resolutions = [0.05, 0.1, 0.3]

To vizually inspect the results of the method:

import scanpy as sc
for roi in utag_results.obs['roi'].unique():
    result = utag_results[utag_results.obs['roi'] == roi].copy()
    sc.pl.spatial(result, color = 'UTAG Label_leiden_0.1', spot_size = 10)

Key Parameters

Input Parameter Description
adata (anndata.AnnData) n_cells x n_features. AnnData of cells with spatial coordinates stored in adata.obsm['spatial'] as numpy.ndarray.
max_dist (float, default = 20.0) Threshold euclidean distance to determine whether a pair of cell is adjacent in graph structure. Recommended values are between 10 to 100 depending on magnification.
slide_key (str, optional, default = 'Slide') Key required for running UTAG across multiple images. Unique image identifiers should be placed under adata.obs. Use None to run UTAG on a single slide.
save_key (str, default = 'UTAG Label') Key to be added to adata object holding the UTAG clusters. Depending on the values of clustering_method and resolutions, the final keys will be of the form: {save_key}_{method}_{resolution}".
normalization_mode (str, default = 'l1_norm') Method to normalize adjacency matrix. 'l1_norm' will behave as mean-aggregation during message passing. Default is 'l1_norm'. Any other value will not perform normalization, leading to a sum-aggregation.
apply_clustering (bool, default = True) Whether to cluster the message passed matrix.
clustering_method (Sequence[str], default = ['leiden', 'parc']) Which clustering method(s) to use for clustering of the message passed matrix.
resolutions (Sequence[float], default = [0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0]) Resolutions the methods in clustering_method should be run at.

For more detailed usage of the package and downstream analysis, please refer to IMC Healthy Lung.ipynb in the documentation folder.