
Listing new trending repos on GitHub

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Listing new trending repo on GitHub

gh-trend.py uses GitHub Trend RSS as the data source and lists new trending repos. Each repo will only be listed once in output.


gh-trend.py [-h] [-j JSON] [-p {today,this-week,this-month} language [language ...]
  • -j is the saved JSON file, which is used to check if a repo has been listed before.
  • -p the trending period, one of today, this-week, or this-month.
  • language, the names of interested languages.


$ gh-trend.py -p this-week all python bash
$ gh-trend.py -j $HOME/.gh-trend.json objective-c common-lisp csharp cpp

You may want to check the RSS URLs for correct language names.

Output looks like:


With cron

It could be a nice idea to use with cron, e.g.

@daily      /path/to/gh-trend.py -j /path/to/saved.json               all python bash >> /path/to/output.txt
@weekly     /path/to/gh-trend.py -j /path/to/saved.json -p this-week  all python bash >> /path/to/output.txt
@monthly    /path/to/gh-trend.py -j /path/to/saved.json -p this-month all python bash >> /path/to/output.txt

Your cron's syntax may differ, check with its manual pages.

Converting to HTML

The following AWK code converts the output into simple HTML code:

gh-trend.py [options] | awk "
/^https/ {
  print(\"<a href='\" \$0 \"'>\"\
        gensub(\"https://github.com/\", \"@\", \"\", \$0)\
/^.+$/ {
  print(\"<span>\" \$0 \"</span><br/>\");
/^$/ {
" > output.html

Output looks like:


Where @user/repo is a hyperlink. Note that there is no specification of encoding since it's only a partial HTML, therefore some Unicode characters may not be displayed correct until manually setting the encoding to UTF-8 in web browser.

Or a more complete HTML output:

echo "<html><head><title>gh-trend.py" > output.html
echo -e '</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body style="background-color:#000;color:#aaa;font-family:Inconsolata;font-weight:bold">\n' >> output.html
gh-trend.py [options] | awk "
/^https/ {
  print(\"<a href='\" \$0 \"' style='color:lawngreen;text-decoration:none'>\"\
        gensub(\"https://github.com/\", \"@\", \"\", \$0)\
/^\(.*\)$/ {
  print(\"<span style='color:lightblue'>\" \$0 \"</span><br/>\");
/^.+$/ {
  print(\"<span style='color:lightgrey'>\" \$0 \"</span> \");
/^$/ {
" >> output.html
echo '</body></html>' >> output.html

The output will look like:

gh-trend html

Bugs and Suggestions

The script is very basic, not even any error checking or messages, like for bozo feeds or incorrect language names.

Feel free to comment below, or fork this Gist and notify me with your modifications.

Related Links


This project is licensed under the MIT License, see COPYING.