
A web crawler to get latest info & extract data from all local health commission in China. 自动获取各地区卫生委员会咨询的程序。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


It's a web crawler to get info & extract data from all local health commissions in China. It will provide data to 2020-virus-map project.


👍 推荐: 人民日报与丁香园联合发布的页面

目前 index.js 中的信息抓取会优先从这个网站中获取到相关的数据,并提供出来给 https://github.com/lbj96347/2020-virus-map 使用


🚧 It's still under development, please be patient. Feel free to use city_position.json & website list file.

File Intro

cities.json contains provinces & cities names, relationships.

province_list.json contains provinces info

city_position.json It's a generated file from city_info_crawler.js( ⚠️ with some issues)

new_city_position.json contains each city's [lat,lng]. It's a file from https://www.highcharts.com.cn/docs/latlon

new_virus_data.json It's a generated file from index.js(⚠️ it can't be used for https://github.com/lbj96347/2020-virus-map immediately)

cities_health_commission_department_website.json contains news web page of all local health commission department

city_info_crawler.js use baidu map API to get each city's [lat,lng] value

get_health_commission_data.js A crawler script to get latest local health news

How to


npm install

node index.js