
Frontend of Centrale Vindplaats application

Primary LanguageHandlebars


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This is the frontend of the centrale vindplaats page as part of the Lokale Besluiten als Gelinkt Open Data (lblod) Program. It is build on top of the Ember.js framework. It provides a sparql interface and routes that automatically get the uri info and corresponding labels of each uri. The frontend gets served by fastboot

Development with backend

For development where fetching data about a uri is important you will need to run the app-centrale-vindplaats in the back.

  • Clone the app-centrale-vindplaats repository git clone https://github.com/lblod/app-centrale-vindplaats.git

  • Remove the frontend service from both the docker-compose.yml as the docker-compose.dev.yml files inside the app-centrale-vindplaats folder you just cloned This because we will use this frontend instead

  • Start your backend docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d

  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/lblod/frontend-centrale-vindplaats.git

  • Move into the directory cd frontend-centrale-vindplaats

  • Serve the frontend through a proxy ember serve --proxy http://localhost:80 (will automatically serve through fastboot)

  • Visit localhost http://localhost:80

Development without backend

  • Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/lblod/frontend-centrale-vindplaats.git

  • Move into the directory cd frontend-centrale-vindplaats

  • Serve the frontend through a proxy (will automatically serve through fastboot) ember serve

  • Visit localhost http://localhost:80

How to visit routes

When you first visit the http://localhost:80 you will be redirected to a sparql interface. This will already have performed a search query that presents you with data from the database. ( Only in case your migrations folder and therefor Triplestore is populated with data & have the backend running ). If you are running the app locally and you want to get more information about a subject then you will have to copy part of the url into your browsers searchbar.


  • The results of on the sparql route page will probably be displayed like so: Subject-uri | predicate-uri | object-uri

  • Let's take an arbitrary subject-uri as an example <http://data.lblod.info/id/bestuursorganen/293a6433b88c65f11071c86fff60459cfa80c6623984e9da9757a6e4c648c079>

  • Trim of the the protocol, subdomain and domain name so you only have the path left /id/bestuursorganen/293a6433b88c65f11071c86fff60459cfa80c6623984e9da9757a6e4c648c079>

  • Inside your searchbar, prepend that path by http://localhost:80 and hit enter http://localhost:80/id/bestuursorganen/293a6433b88c65f11071c86fff60459cfa80c6623984e9da9757a6e4c648c079>

If info exists about that subject then you should be met by a table with data about that uri, both direct and invers. The resource-label service automatically looks for labels & description for each uri and displays them if they exists. You can now just simply click through each link that starts with http://data.lblod.info/ to get more information of the clicked uri inside this frontend or click on any other link to get redirected outside it.

Generating custom rdf-routes

The metis addon provides cli commands similar to generic ember-router commands (e.g. generate , destroy...) Instead of writing ember generate route person You can generate an rdf route like so : ember generate rdf-route person. You can find more info in the readme file of the metis addon.


In your /frontend-centrale-vindplaats/config/environment you should see a metis object under ENV where you can change the baseUrl
By default you will the baseUrl is set to EMBER_METIS_BASE_URL. This is a special string that, when using docker-compose, will be replaced by the environment variable BASE_URL ( see app-centrale-vindplaats ) for more information. To overide this behavior you simply replace the baseUrl value in your environment.js file by any other URL.

Relavant Addons

The frontend uses our metis addon to take care of the routes and calls to the coresponding info and labels.

The yasgui addon that gives you a sparql interface when visiting http://localhost/sparql .

The ember-fastboot addon makes it possible to render the page in nodejs.