
command line application using node, github api, inquirer, and html to pdf generation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Command line application using node, github api, inquirer, and html to pdf generation


This project uses 3 npm packages: axios, inquirer, and html-pdf. after downloading the project please run npm i or npm install to download these dependancies.


The application requires you to have or know a user's github username. This is a command line application that will prompt the user through inquirer to enter a github username.

What is your github username:

Then it will prompt the user with a second question which will apply a unique color backaground to a pdf generated based off that users github account.

Which color do you want as the background?

After these questions are answered the application will make a call to the github api with the user name entered and create a pdf in the /pdfs folder in the repository. A sample of the pdf generated can be viewed in the repo here.

API References

This project also uses the github api. Documentation for the github api can be found here.