Ludovic BOCKEN, PhDs (c)

R & D in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Mathematics, Philosophy, Cognitive science,

Recommendations / Email / LinkedIn / GitHub / Resume

Core Technical Skills

Programming languages mainly : R, Python, C++, also : Java, Visual Basic, Perl / Raku, Prolog, Haskell, Lisp.

Markup languages : Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Extensible Markup Language (XML), JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), Artificial Intelligence Markup Language (AIML), LaTeX,

Semantic Web languages : Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language (OWL).

Query languages : Structured Query Language (SQL), SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language.

Semantic Reasoners : Pellet, RacerPro, FaCT++, HermiT

Softwares : RStudio, Protégé, Microsoft Excel, NooJ, Praat, TeXstudio


Data scientist & Machine Learning Engineer Improvememts of full MLOps Cycles for several Artificial Intelligence & Predictive Analytics projects in Python & R : Data Querying, Data Analysis, Data Cleansing, Outlier Prediction, Unsupervised learning, Supervised Learning (Binary and Multiclass Classification), Regression Analysis, Logistic Regression, Reinforcement Learning, Natural Language Processing, Entity Linking to Wikidata, Knowledge Graphs Modeling, Bayesian Networks Modeling, Semantic Web Reasoning, Geocomputation, Web Applications Development (Shiny). @Bell Canada <2021 - Present>

Provider of Artificial Intelligence Solutions with Open Data for and from Public institutions such as National Research Council, Statistics Canada, CBC News, New York State, European Commission

Author in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive computing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Epistemology, Epistemic logic, Management, Statistics @ Packt, O'Reilly, Manning, Apress, Springer, Wiley <2020 - Present>

Consultant in Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive computing, Machine Learning, Data Science, Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Epistemology, Epistemic logic, Management @ iWintoo <2020 - present>

PhD Fellowships @ Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC), Université TELUQ, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) <2015 - 2018>

French as Foreign Language Teacher @ Université Lille 1 - Sciences et technologies > Centre université économie d'éducation permanente (CUEEP), Université Libre de Bruxelles, F9 Languages, Global-LT, Cartus, Pôle Académique Bruxelles > Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles (HELB) - Ilya Prigogine > Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes appliquées (CREA) <2008 - present>

E-learning Webmaster of Moodle Learning Management Systems @ Pôle Académique Bruxelles > Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles (HELB) - Ilya Prigogine > Public Relations / Management Informatics <2009 - 2011>

Project Manager @ Pôle Académique Bruxelles > Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles (HELB) - Ilya Prigogine > Public Relations / Management Informatics <2008-2011>

Assistant Professor (Maître Assistant) @ Pôle Académique Bruxelles > Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles (HELB) - Ilya Prigogine > Public Relations / Management Informatics > Courses : Communication in French language ; Methodologies ; Theories of commmunication ; Interpersonal relationships <2007-2011>

Researcher & Inventor in Reading comprehension, Biomechanics (Stretching Machines), Knowledge Management <2000 - Present>

Commercial Attaché / Seller / Telemarketing @ Easydentic, Simply Better, Hamburg Manheimer, Canal+/BeTV, Phonecom <1998 - 2004>


PhD candidate in Artificial Intelligence - Cognitive Computing @ Université TELUQ & Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - 3.86/4.3 ~ 90 % <2012 - 2019>

PhD candidate in Natural Language Processing @ Université de Franche-Comté (UFC) <2013 - 2019>

Master (Licence) in Teaching French As Foreign Language @ Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - High Distinction <2008 - 2010>

Training for Higher Education CAPAES in Communication @ Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) <2008>

Master (Licence) in Linguistics @ Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) - Distinction <2002 - 2006>

Bachelor in Philosophy @ Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) - Distinction in the first year <1999 - 2001>

Projects : Triangular combinatorial metrics for machine learning and automated reasoning in Wikipedia : An artificial contradictor chatbot for augmented reasoning : Machine translation and generation of english questions in SPARQL queries for Wikidata and Wikipedia : A recommender system of software resources from texts : Financial analyses from open data and texts (sentiment analysis, knowledge extraction, classification) : Modeling, clustering, classification, ranking and interpretation of historical events : The best informations for Business in English Wikipedia, : Structured informations for geographical region in English Wikipedia

Scientific communications

In publication

-, Distances to first and main articles of Wikipedia categories.

-, Fuzzy classification of Wikipedia articles from named entity recognition.

-, Classification of text complexity metrics.

-, Subadditivity of text complexity metrics.

-, Joint text complexity as a mean.

-, Idempotence of text complexity metrics.

-, Linearity of text complexity metrics.

-, Lexical transitivity for Wikipedia articles in subclass relationships.

-, Compositional data analysis of textual metrics for Wikipedia articles.

-, Triangle inequalities of textual metrics in Wikipedia.

-, Tetrahedral features of text complexity metrics in Wikipedia.

-, Combinatorial features of text complexity metrics in Wikipedia articles.

-, Quality control for readability of Wikipedia articles about COVID-19.

-, Contrastive Text complexity of Simple English Wikipedia.

-, Contrastive Text complexity of Simple English Wiktionary.

-, Golden or silver thresholds for quality control of Wikipedia articles?

-, The idea of justice in Wikipedia.

-, The idea of knowledge in Wikipedia.

-, Science related noun phrases in Wikipedia.


2017, Textual Complexity Metrics Applications for Wikipedia Quality Control by Classifications. In Cognitive computing conference (UQAM).

2016, Functional modeling of the utility of Wikipedia in the acquisition of concepts from texts. In Scientific Day of LICEF.

2016, Wikipedia, a building providing access to (non) expert information: a legal ontological analogy in a situation of uncertainty. In Cognitive computing Seminar at UQAM.

2015, Recommendation of Wikipedia articles when reading PLoS scientific texts. In LANCI workshop.

2014, How Wikipedia can help you to read a scientific article? Predictions for the Semantic Web according to Fuzzy Probabilistic Epistemic Models. In Cognitive Computing Conference and in Web Science and the Mind, Summer School in Cognitive sciences at UQAM.

2014, Morphological and syntactic grammars of scientific titles for cognitive computing applications. In International NooJ Conference 2014.

2014, Recommendations and reading assistance with Wikipedia Concept Table: deductive inference and cognitive complexity metrics. In 82e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Colloque 627 - Environnements numériques d’apprentissage, tuteurs intelligents et jeux sérieux.

2014, Augmented reading with Wikipedia Concept Table: computing, linguistic, and cognitive models. In 82e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Colloque 635 - Langues Naturelles, Informatique et Sciences Cognitives.

2014, A unified model to compute quality of titles. In Scientific Day of the Centre of Research for Brain Language and Music.

Research works

2010, Uses and perspectives of concept maps and modeling in FLE for higher education learners, Thesis at the Free University of Brussels - Faculties of Philosophy and Letters.

2006, Linguistics and bibliotherapy, analysis of interviews on the therapeutic nature of books and reading, Thesis at the Free University of Brussels - Faculties of Philosophy and Letters.

2005, Reading and emergence: the language of memory in bibliotherapy, Thesis at the Free University of Brussels - Faculties of Philosophy and Letters.

2005, Memory and representation: confrontation of competing paradigms, Research work at the Université Libre de Bruxelles - Faculties of Philosophy and Letters.

2001, Is the will the foundation of morality? attempt to define a desire for dialogue as a prior basis for the emergence of moral values, Research work at the Catholic University of Louvain - Institute of Philosophy.

Supervised works and projects

Mbikay, C., Can the virtual age supplant real contact? The impact of the Internet on relations between public relations officers and journalists, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Kacik, J., Digital reputation: create, manage, and monitor - practical case: ZEST Design & Architecture, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Boulais, M., To what extent does the Escale du Nord cultural center participate in the democratization of culture in Anderlecht?, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Pede, T., The Digital Comic Strip in 2010 - State of play, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Andrianne, C., Social media, practical case: development of a communication project via social media for the Chassepierre International Street Arts Festival, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles, 2009.

Pardonge, A., The web ergonomists come from Mars, the web designers from Venus, As part of a user-centered approach, can we build a bridge between these two disciplines?, The practical case of Flair, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Chojnacki, L., Emergence of television series: the reasons for success, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Vliegen, V., Corporate communication of communication agencies, Paradox and difficulties, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Desenfants, Y., Internal communication solutions in a small structure, Case study: Poseco asbl, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.

Dewandeleer, L., Natural Color Diamond communication strategy, Haute École Libre de Bruxelles - Ilya Prigogine, 2009.


Triathlon super sprint distance : swimming (250 m) - biking (6,5 km) - running (1,7 km)

Drums My favorite drummers : Stéphane Galland, Dennis Chambers, Dave Weckl

Cinéma My favorite actors : Daniel Day-Lewis, Léonardo Di Caprio, Colin Firth