Advanced Kubernetes Workshop / DB / 19, 20, 23 October 2023


  • starts at 10:00
  • ~10m breaks every 1h-1h30m
  • 1h lunch break at 12:30-13:00
  • ends at ~17:45


  • I go over the theory
  • I solve a task
  • you solve the task
  • we go over and solve any encountered issue together so that everyone finishes the task


Pod lifecycle, probes, init containers, ephemeral containers, pod and node (anti-)affinities, taints and tolerations, disruptions

Networking model, CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins, services, DNS, ingress, network policies

  • CNI case study: Calico

Persistent storage, CSI (Container Storage Interface), storage classes, persistent volumes, persistent volume claims

  • CSI case study: Rook / Ceph

Managing stateful applications, CRDs (Custom Resource Definition) and Kubernetes operators

  • Case study: CloudNativePG

Security - RBAC, pod security standards, third-party policy engines, secret management, TLS certificate management

  • Case study: Kyverno, Sealed Secrets and cert-manager

GitOps and CI/CD workflows

  • Case study: Helm, kustomize and ArgoCD

Observability - monitoring, logging and alerting

  • Case study: kube-prometheus-stack, Fluent Bit and Grafana Loki

Autoscaling - horizontal pod autoscaler, vertical pod autoscaler and cluster autoscaler

Application development workflows

  • Case study: Okteto

Troubleshooting infrastructure and Kubernetes issues

What we won't cover, as either I don't have enough production experience with, or they are too niche / specific:

  • OpenShift specific concepts

  • Cloud provider specific concepts (e.g. GKE networking)

  • Service meshes, e.g. Istio

Getting To Know Each Other

Hello, I'm Bogdan!

  • I've been programming and sysadmining for the past ~25 years
  • sysadmin & networking
  • backend - PHP, Node.js
  • frontend - Vue.js
  • Vue.js, Docker & Kubernetes instructor @JSLeague
  • dev&ops

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3