
This repository contains coding developed at 42 Porto Piscine, from 19/09/2022 to 13/10/2022.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

This repository contains code developed at 42 Porto Piscine, from 19/09/2022 to 13/10/2022.

📓 Subjects

Shell 00
Shell 01

C 00
C 01
C 02
C 03
C 04
C 05
C 06
C 07
C 08

Rush 00

📝 Exercises

Shell 00

Shell 01

C 00

ft_putchar ft_print_alphabet ft_print_reverse_alphabet ft_print_numbers ft_is_negative ft_print_comb ft_print_comb2 ft_putnbr ft_print_combn

C 01

ft_ft ft_ultimate_ft ft_swap ft_div_mod ft_ultimate_div_mod ft_putstr ft_strlen ft_rev_int_tab ft_sort_int_tab

C 02

ft_strcpy ft_strncpy ft_str_is_alpha ft_str_is_numeric ft_str_is_lowercase ft_str_is_uppercase ft_str_is_printable ft_strupcase ft_strlowcase ft_strcapitalize ft_strlcpy ft_putstr_non_printable ft_print_memory

C 03

ft_strcmp ft_strncmp ft_strcat ft_strncat ft_strstr ft_strlcat

C 04

ft_strlen ft_putstr ft_putnbr ft_atoi ft_putnbr_base ft_atoi_base

C 05

ft_iterative_factorial ft_recursive_factorial ft_iterative_power ft_recursive_power ft_fibonacci ft_sqrt ft_is_prime ft_find_next_prime As dez damas

C 06

ft_print_program_name ft_print_params ft_rev_params ft_sort_params

C 07

ft_strdup ft_range ft_ultimate_range ft_strjoin ft_convert_base ft_split

C 08

ft.h ft_boolean.h ft_abs.h ft_point.h ft_strs_to_tab ft_show_tab

Rush 00

ft_putchar.c main.c rush00.c rush01.c rush02.c rush03.c rush04.c

💯 Exams

Exam 00

Exam 01

Exam 02

Final Exam