Yet Another Google App Engine Datastore ORM with a twist! (We need your support, fork it, and try it)
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:: Twist :: Object Mapping ::
twists aims to provide a lightweight Object mapping framework. Without adding complexity into the api.
Persisting POJO's, Maps and (soon Primitive types) directly into the datastore.
ObjectStore store;
Friend friend = createComplexFriend();
Key key = store.put(friend);
Friend saved = store.get(Friend.class, friend.getId());
Iterator<Friend> all = store.find(Friend.class).greaterThanOrEqual("name", "Joe").now();
Friend one = store.findOne(Friend.class).greaterThanOrEqual("name", "Joe").now();
Passing an object to the put(..) method will do the job.
Friend joe = new Friend("Joe", 27);
joe.age = 28;
store.update(Friend.class).equals("name", "Joe").increment("age",1).now();
store.update(Friend.class).equals("name", "Joe").set("address", new Address(...)).now();
store.update(Friend.class).equals("name", "Joe").with(new Friend(..)).now();
store.put(new Friend(..));
store.put(new Friend(..), new Friend(..));
###Object Mapping
@Entity(name="CloseFriends") // Optional name
public class Friend {
private long id; // Can be long, Long or String only
private Circle circle;
private Box box;
private Map map;
private List<String> notes;
###Find & FindOne
Iterator<Friend> all = store.find(Friend.class).greaterThanOrEqual("name", "Joe").now();
Friend one = store.findOne(Friend.class).greaterThanOrEqual("name", "Joe").now();
####Projection and Field selection
store.find(Friend.class).projection("firstName", "address").greaterThanOrEqual("name", "Joe").now();
####Skip and Limit
twist uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [GAE SDK] - SDK for the AppEngine platform (GAE, AppScale or CapeDwarf)
- boon
mvn clean install
or add this to your POM:
<!-- Snapshot repository -->
- Anyone is welcome to contribute, implement feature or fix bugs.
Apache License, Version 2.0