
Grabs current player-names for https://autodarts.io

Primary LanguagePython



Grabs player-names for https://autodarts.io


Desktop-OS / Headless-OS:

  • Download the appropriate executable in the release section.

By Source:

Setup python3

  • Download and install python 3.x.x for your specific os.
  • Download and install pip.

Get the project

git clone https://github.com/lbormann/autodarts-name-grabber.git

Go to download-directory and type:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


You can run by source or run an os specific executable.

Run by executable

Example: Windows

Create a shortcut of the executable; right click on the shortcut -> select properties -> add Arguments in the target input at the end of the text field.

Example: C:\Downloads\autodarts-name-grabber.exe -U "your-autodarts-email" -P "your-autodarts-password" -TP "absolute-path-to-your-template-files"

Save changes. Click on the shortcut to start the application.

Run by source

Example: Linux

Copy the default script:

cp start.sh start-custom.sh

Edit and fill out Arguments:

nano start-custom.sh

Make it executable:

chmod +x start-custom.sh

Start the script:



  • -U / --autodarts_email
  • -P / --autodarts_password
  • -TP / --templates_path
  • -GI / --grab_interval

-U / --autodarts_email

You should know your autodarts.io registered email-adress.

-P / --autodarts_password

You should know your autodarts.io registered password. Make sure you disable 2FA (Two-Factor-Auth).

-TP / --templates_path

You need to set an absolute path to your template-file-directory. Moreover make sure the given path doesn't reside inside main-directory (autodarts-name-grabber).

-GI / --grab_interval

Determines how often (in seconds) names will be grabbed. Default is '60'

Setup autostart [linux] (optional)

There are endless possibilities to manage an autostart. You find two ways to do it (both using the start-custom.sh to run it by source)

Using a cronjob

crontab -e

At the end of the file add (Replace USER):

@reboot sleep 30 && cd /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber && ./start-custom.sh > /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber.log 2>&1

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber.log

Using a desktop-start-task (linux with gui only)

if you are facing problems with the crontab-solution try this:

sudo apt install xterm

One can now manually test whether the whole thing starts with the following command (adjust USER):

xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber && ./start-custom.sh"

A terminal-like window should now open with the running program.

To enable autostart, a .desktop file now needs to be created:

sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Insert the following into this file and adjust the USER in the path:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xterm -e "cd /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber && ./start-custom.sh > /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber.log 2>&1"
Comment[de_DE]=Autostart autodarts-name-grabber
Comment=Autostart autodarts-name-grabber

Afterwards, save the file (Ctrl + O) and close the file (Ctrl + X).

Now the file permissions need to be set for the file (again, adjust USER!):

sudo chmod u=rw-,g=rw-,o=r-- ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop
sudo chown USER ~/.config/autostart/autodartscaller.desktop

Reboot your system:

sudo reboot

Check log:

tail /home/USER/autodarts-name-grabber.log


Thanks to Timo for awesome https://autodarts.io. It will be huge!