
Manager for https://autodarts.io extensions.

Primary LanguageC#



Darts-hub (formerly autodarts-desktop) manages several extension-apps for https://autodarts.io. It automatically downloads and updates those apps, provides configuration windows and launches extensions through a curated list of profiles.

Apps managed by darts-hub:

Disclaimer: Some apps could not be visible in your setup. The reason for that is that some apps are not available for your os.


Darts-hub supports all major platforms:

OS X64 X86 ARM ARM64
Windows ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Linux ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
macOS ✔️ ✔️

Darts-hub is built with Avalonia. check it out: https://docs.avaloniaui.net/

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Single-Command (Linux, MacOS)

You can install darts-hub on a Linux system by using this single command. It will automatically download the latest version and configures it for autostart. You might have to install curl on your machine beforehand. You can do so with sudo apt install curl.

bash <(curl -sL get-add.arnes-design.de)

Step-by-step (Windows, Linux, MacOS)

Alternatively you can install darts-hub step by step.

  1. Create a new folder called "darts-hub" in your home directory.

  2. Download the appropiate zip-file. You can find it in the release section.

  3. Extract the zip-file to the new folder "darts-hub".

  4. Linux and MacOS: Execute the following commands in a terminal

    chmod +x ~/darts-hub/darts-hub
  5. MacOS: disable os-app-verification:

    sudo spctl --master-disable

    Unfortunately I couldn't find a proper way without doing this.

  6. Start the application by double-click darts-hub


Single-Command (Linux, MacOS)

You can remove darts-hub by passing --uninstall flag as follows.

bash <(curl -sL get-add.arnes-design.de) --uninstall

Step-by-step (Windows, Linux, MacOS)

Alternatively you can uninstall darts-hub step by step.

  1. Remove the folder called "darts-hub" in your home directory.

  2. MacOS: enable os-app-verification:

    sudo spctl --master-enable



Profiles representing different play-scenarios, whether you only want to use darts-caller or playing extern by using darts-extern. Every app in a profile can be marked for start by checking it. Apps that are mandantory for particular profile can't be unchecked. To start a selected profile click the button next to profile selection. On profile-start the application will check every included app for existence, installs it or updates it if it isn't up-to-date. If an app needs configuration, darts-hub will display a configuration window to organize that. Configuration is explained in the next section. To close a running app use the ecks-symbol. To see an apps output click the monitor-symbol that should appear after a short time since app-start. It shows full details of app events in realtime. You can also rename every app: use a right click for that; you can always return to the default name by entering an empty value.


Some Apps have mandatory configuration fields to work properly. Those fields are highlighted by a red colored frame. You can also spot a mandatory field by asterik character (*) at the end of the particular field-name. To reset a field-value click on the rubber-symbol. For an extensive App explaintion and its configuration click the question mark-symbol in the upper-right corner. If your done filling out configuration fields just close the dialog window to save configuration. In case the app is still running, darts-hub will automatically restart it to apply current configuration.

Side note: a grayed out configuration field means, that it uses the default value of the app itself. The displayed value doesn't match the app`s default value necessarily. If you would like to know which default value will be used, have a look at specific app README.


Imagine you could start your individual favorite apps. That is what custom-apps are made for. As an example: You could start OBS, to stream an autodarts game.. or trigger a Home-Assistant-hook to turn on your Autodarts-Build.. or just some lights.

Specific App-version

If you would like to stay on specific app-version, create an empty file called "my_version.txt" in particular app dir. That file will stop future app-updates, until you remove the file.

Disclaimer: If you're using a specific version of an app with configuration, like the darts-caller and the current darts-hub version doesn't fit to app`s configuration, there's a chance the app might not start properly.


App isn't starting at all

If you're running darts-hub on windows the affected app is probably classified as a virus. The easiest way to verify this is to close darts-hub. After that, add the main folder (darts-hub) as an exception for screening. Restart darts-hub and try to start the app.


You just finished your new extension and wonder how to integrate it in darts-hub -> just send me a message on discord ;)