
Fall 2022 Research work for Notre Dame's Biometrics Research Grid

Primary LanguagePython


Fall 2022 Research work for Notre Dame's Biometrics Research Grid

Progress by Week

Week 1

  • set up miniconda
  • wrote 3 example queries to increase comfortability with my-python-connector
    • silentGeneration.py: select all users born before 1945
    • subjectOnDay.py: select all face images of subject on set day
    • nikonSensors.py: select all nikon sensors

Week 2

  • metadata
    • query files and replicas tables for 10 fileids using mysql-python-connector
    • convert tuple results to dictionary and store in chirpedFiles.json
  • files
    • chirp each file from a replica machine
    • validate chirped file by computing md5sum and comparing with checksum in query results

Week 3

  • chirp files into directory following table/subjectid/date directory schema
    • each file's corresponding query results are stored in directory's results.json
  • iterate through replicas until successful chirp
    • in previous week, only attempted chirp on one host

Week 4

  • increased number of files chirped into treed directories
  • restructured code from week 3
  • ran performance tests on chirping

Week 5

  • create preliminary version of "bxgrid in a box" (bxbox)

    • allow user to query files from specified bxgrid table into filesystem with desired schema
    • bxbox syntax: "materialize {tablename} as {schema for filesystem} {MySQL WHERE, ORDER BY, LIMIT clauses}
  • example results from bgbox materialization query in 'irises_still/'

    • bgbox> materialize irises_still as date/weather/eye where subjectid = 'nd1S04473'

Week 6

  • convert preliminary materializer to take in command line arguments
  • new query features:
    • user may materialize into an already existing directory if the new and old schemas match by using the '-force' flag
    • only get metadata into filesystem by using the '-dryrun' flag
    • can specify root directory, otherwise name of top level directory follows TABLE + timestamp convention
  • file changes:
    • queried files may never be overwritten (even when using '-force' flag)
    • large metadata file at top level includes subject data
    • all files and directories created with mode 444

Week 7

  • change '-dryrun' flag to '-nofiles'
  • improve function usage output
  • store user login credentials in $HOME/.bxgrid/credentials
  • store query history in $HOME/.bxgrid/history.json
  • show progress bar for materializations
  • provide user with feedback on chirps
    • Warning for failed chirp
    • Error when all chirps fail
    • push failed servers to back of queue for future chirps

Week 8

  • materialization history
    • entries include command line input
    • save last materialization query in latest_materializtion.json
    • save 500 (like GNU history) last materialization queries in history_materializations.json
  • SQL work (for group feature)
    • wrote general query to select n entries from each group set by user
    • work in querywork.txt
  • after meeting, approach for next week is 2-phase materialization
    • fist phase is getting data (mandatory)
    • second phase is file retrieval into directory tree (optional)

Week 9

  • separate command line materializer into two separate programs
    • export
      • store queried data from bxgrid in csv
      • use sytax similar to previous materializer tool or custom sql queries
    • materialize
      • read in data from csv
      • store files and metadata in schema provided by user

Week 10

  • switched to using Python chirp module
    • Ben Tovar helped me get it working
  • reuse downloaded files
    • after chirping, store file path in $HOME/.bxgrid/chirpedFiles.json
    • when getting files, first check above json for file if '-smartchirp' flag passed