
GitHub Mirror of OpenStack Loadbalancing (Atlas)

Primary LanguageJava


  • Java >= 1.8_152
  • Apache Maven == 2.2.1/Maven3 can optionally be used.
  • Apache ActiveMQ == 5.15.2
  • Glassfish >= 5.0
  • MySql/MariaDB



  • Setup configurations

    • examples found in contrib/etc/openstack/atlas
    • should be placed in /etc/openstack/atlas
  • Create databases

    • Create a database called 'loadbalancing' using the schema under contrib/db/loadbalancing_schema.sql
    • Create a database called 'loadbalancing_usage' using the schema under contrib/db/loadbalancing_usage_schema.sql
    • Seed the 'loadbalancing' database with sample data, using the file under contrib/db/loadbalancing_seed.sql
  • Configure glassfish


  • mvn clean install from the project root
    • creates public-web/target/atlas-public-web-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.war
    • creates mgmt-web/target/atlas-mgmt-web-x.y.z-SNAPSHOT.war


  • Start ActiveMQ on default port.

    • java -jar /path/to/activemq/bin/run.jar start
  • Deploy to Glassfish, choosing "/v1.0" as the Context Root

    • /path/to/glassfish/bin/asadmin deploy --contextroot "v1.0" /path/to/atlas-lb/api/public-web/target/atlas-public-web-VERSION-SNAPSHOT.war
  • Now you can access the Atlas REST APIs on port http://:8080/v1.0/<tenant_id>/


For more info on the Atlas REST API, see the "RackSpace Cloud Load Balancers API 1.0" at https://developer.rackspace.com/docs/cloud-load-balancers/v1/getting-started/.