A headless monitoring system, designed to be simple to use and easy to maintain
- Basic HTTP Monitors
- Headless Browser Monitors (chromium, firefox, webkit)
- ICMP Monitors
- Email Alerts
- Slack Alerts
- PagerDuty Alerts
- Webhook Alerts
- InfluxDB metric connector
- CloudWatch metric connector
- TimeStream dashboard
docker-compose up -d --build
If this is your first time launching get your API key from the logs. It's only shown once
docker-compose logs tinymonitor
Create your CLI config file in ~/.tinymonitor/config.json
"server_url": "http://localhost:8080",
"username": "admin",
"api_key": "API-Key-From-Logs"
Build the CLI
go build -o=tmp/tinymonitor cmd/tinymonitor/main.go
Interact with the Service
tmp/tinymonitor monitor list
Create a metric sink for the influxdb container
tmp/tinymonitor sink apply -f example/influxdb_v1_sink.json
Create some sample monitors
tmp/tinymonitor monitor apply -f example/simple_browser.json
tmp/tinymonitor monitor apply -f example/simple_http.json
tmp/tinymonitor monitor apply -f example/simple_ping.json
Optional: Setup InfluxDB in Grafana
- Navigate to localhost:3000 (admin/admin)
- Add a new datasource: Type Influxdb, host: http://influxdb:8086, database: test
Starting the web server:
TINYMONITOR_TESTING=true go run cmd/tinymonitor/main.go server
Running the CLI
go run cmd/tinymonitor/main.go
Hot reload for the web server is provided through air
All configuration is done through environment variables, refer to the section below for specifics.
Available environment variables and their defaults:
Note: CLI can be configured via a config file which is automatically sourced from $HOME/.tinymonitor/config.json
An example config file is below:
"server_url": "http://localhost:8080",
"username": "admin",
"api_key": "aaaabbbbcccceeeedddd"
You can also set your CLI configuration with environment variables as well
If both a config file and environment variable is present the environment variable will be selected
Run go run -mod=mod entgo.io/ent/cmd/ent init $ModelNameHere
Generate the ORM code with go generate ./ent