
Extract Product.name and Offer.price from an URL, based on http://schema.org

Primary LanguagePHP

Rich snippet test tool

I need simple PHP script that will return "Product name" and "Product price" from given url by reading schema (rich snippets from that url).


Testing URLS


  • php start.php - just run in CLI start.php scrip.
  • php start_with_cache.php extended version with cache usage.
    • $use_cache = false; // Use caching files or uppload all pages each time. it's able to turn of a chache, so html content of the pages will be stored in cache files insinde the price_extractor/cache folder.
    • $html_cache->clearCacheDirecotry(); it's able to clear cache folder by uncomenting this line.


  • PriceExtractor\Cache\HtmlCache class that get a list of urls and text files, create cache for urls
  • Stores chache at the price_extractor/cache folder has a method $html_cache->clearCacheDirecotry(); to purge all files and caches
  • Object of this class is iterable and return html, source, type properties.
$sources_list = [
$html_cache = new PriceExtractor\Cache\HtmlCache($sources_list);

foreach($html_cache as $key => $element){
    echo $key."----------------------\n";
    echo "TYPE: $element->type \n";
    echo "SOURCE: $element->source \n";
    echo "CACHE_FILE_NAME: " . $element->getCacheName() ." \n";
    // echo "HTML: $element->html \n";

// !important! It is possble to clear the cache folder.
// $html_cache->clearCacheDirecotry();

System implementation.

  1. There is a PriceExtractor\Parser class. It's constructor requries html string, and after parcing it sets name and price properties.
  2. Object of Parser class comprice set of ParseTools objects, each of them has a test method. This method evaluates "Do it possbile to extract name/pice from the incoming html?" At current moment 2 class existed.
  3. If there is an object inside ParceTools able to extract name and price from the delivered html string, this name and price pair set as name and price properties of a Parcer. If there is no such object, name and price stays unset.
    • ParseToolDump - class for developers needs.
    • JsonLd - class for parsing JsonLd implementation of schema.
    • Microdata class to parce Mircrodata pages.
foreach($html_cache as $key => $element){
    echo $key."----------------------\n";
    echo "SOURCE: $element->source \n";
    echo "CACHE_FILE_NAME: " . $element->getCacheName() ." \n";

    $parser = new PriceExtractor\Parser($element->html);

    echo "NAME: $parser->name \n";
    echo "PRICE: $parser->price \n";


JSON-LD algorithm:

Seach for @type == Product with Depth Frist Search Algorithm, that if @Product is found seach for the @type == Offer with second DFS.

  • Get scipt JSON-LD.
  • check @context == chema.org
  • travers down till find @type == Product with name
  • travers sub tree till find @type == Offer with price
  • tree-travesal

TODO and Dairy

Set of task and implementation of them - here is a journal of the project.