
👨‍🎨A tiny web service to help you upgrade your TensorFlow code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

tf2up.ml - TensorFlow 2.0 upgrader service

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Idea is to make upgrade process to TensorFlow 2.0 of your Jupyter notebooks even easier!


javascript:(function(){ window.open(window.location.toString().replace(/.*github\.com\/(.*)/, 'http://tf2up.ml/\$1')); })()


How it works

This project is standing on the shoulders of giants:


In order to run locally:

Main part: we need to build a docker image and run with local NBDIME_URL

make build -e

Start nbdime container in a separate terminal

make nbbuild nbrun

Now you can run the docker image with

make run


Thanks to all amazing people, that in one or another way helped this project:


    author = {Sergii Khomenko},
    title = {tf2up.ml: TensorFlow 2.0 upgrader service},
    howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/lc0/tf2up}}

GitHub @lc0  ·  Twitter @lc0d3r  ·  Code and Gradients