Tool to convert saves from Xbox GamePass games (or other Microsoft Store games) into a more standard and readable format (ie. compatible with other sources like Steam, Epic Game Store or GoG).
Most of the time, saves from MS packages are just the same as for other stores with a specific renaming and index files. The original file names can be retrieved by parsing the containers.index and container.* files. As for now, GPSC only parse these files and rename the saves.
This project has been partly inspired by GP Save Converter, written in C# with a more user friendly interface for Windows, but which was unable to convert saves for games not listed in the application.
With a proper Java installation available, run:
./gradlew assemble
The application will be available into cli/build/distributions
GPSC require Java 12 or higher (JDK or JRE).
The command line tool have two commands :
- list will display details about all the files found in the save directory
- convert will copy and rename all the files with their more readable name
- --path (or -p): Path to containers.index, or a directory with this file (default is current directory)
- --destination (or -d): Directory to write converted save, only for convert command (default is ./output/)
gpsc convert -p ./SomethingWeMade.TOEM_3b9evzcrg4em8/SystemAppData/wgs/000900000223B718_0000000000000000000000007E270A5A -d ./toem_save/
Saves for Microsoft Store games are located under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Packages
. This directory contains a
sub directory for each game, usually with a name composed of the editor, the game name and an identifying sequence
(ie. SomethingWeMade.TOEM_3b9evzcrg4em8
for TOEM). The save itself is located in a subdirectory under
, in a directory with a long UID composed of numbers and letters.
It depends of the game since each one have its own way of storing save files. Have a look at the page of the game on PC Gaming Wiki, or the "cloud saves" infos on SteamDB.
Many games keep a similar file format between Microsoft Store and other stores, but some have different naming and even sometimes different binary format, so using the save converted by GPSC might not work.
It depends on how the game handle achievements. For some games, using a save with unlocked achievements and start the game will unlock all of them in a few seconds, for others, they unlock only at the moment you meet the expected requirements.
I plan to work on a multiplatform GUI (using Compose Desktop) in the near future. For another application with a GUI, have a look at GP Save Converter