
Mari Pili is an awesome bot that can fit all your needs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mari Pili is an awesome bot that can fit all your needs

Docker Build and Publish

GitHub Repository GitHub Stars GitHub


Pull Requests

Create a new Pull Request with the necessary changes. After being reviewed and merged a new tag will be generated, creating a new Release and publishing the new version.

$ git tag -a v1.0.9 -m "This is my new amazing version"
$ git push origin v1.0.9

Or you can also do it running the following command, replacing <update_type> way with one of the semantic versioning release types (patch, major, or minor):

$ npm version <update_type>
$ git push --follow-tags

How to push a new version of the image

$ docker build --build-arg VERSION=1.0.9 --build-arg BUILD_DATE="$(date +%Y/%m/%dT%H:%M:%S)" -t mari-pili .
$ docker tag mari-pili lcaparros/mari-pili:1.0.9
$ docker push lcaparros/mari-pili:1.0.9


Just type the command below to run the bot inside its docker container

$ docker run --rm --name mari-pili registry/mari-pili:1.0.9