
The @rigetti optimizing Quil compiler.

Primary LanguageCommon LispApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


pipeline status

Quilc is an advanced optimizing compiler for the quantum instruction language Quil, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Quilc comprises two projects. The first, cl-quil, does the heavy lifting of parsing, compiling, and optimizing Quil code. The second, quilc, presents an external interface for using cl-quil, either using the binary quilc application directly, or alternatively by communicating with a server (HTTP or RPCQ).

Quil is the quantum instruction language developed at Rigetti Computing. In Quil quantum algorithms are expressed using Quil's standard gates and instructions. One can also use Quil's DEFGATE to define new non-standard gates, and DEFCIRCUIT to build a named circuit that can be referenced elsewhere in Quil code (analogous to a function in most other programming languages).

Quil Compiler

This directory contains the quilc application. quilc takes as input arbitrary Quil code, either provided directly to the binary or to the quilc server, and produces optimized Quil code. The compiled code is optimized for the configured instruction set architecture (ISA), targeting the native gates specified by the ISA.

Building the Quil Compiler

Prerequisites to building quilc are:

  1. Standard UNIX build tools
  2. SBCL (a recent version): Common Lisp compiler
  3. Quicklisp: Common Lisp library manager
  4. buildapp: Builds executable binaries from Common Lisp software

Follow these instructions to get started from scratch.

One notorious dependency is MAGICL. It is available on Quicklisp, but requires you to install some system libraries such as BLAS, LAPACK, and libffi. Follow MAGICL's instructions carefully before proceeding with loading CL-QUIL or makeing quilc.

Once these dependencies are installed, building should be easy. Building the quilc binary is automated using the Makefile:

$ make quilc

This will create a binary quilc in the current directory

$ ./quilc --version

To install system-wide issue the command

$ make install

Using the Quil Compiler

The Quil Compiler provides two modes of interaction: (1) communicating directly with the quilc binary, providing your Quil code over stdin; or (2) communicating with the quilc server.


The quilc binary reads Quil code provided on stdin:

$ echo "H 0" | quilc
$ cat large_file.quil | quilc


For various reasons (e.g. not having to repeatedly load the quilc binary into memory, communicating over a network) quilc provides a server interface. quilc currently supports two server modes:


The HTTP server was the original implementation of the server mode. It is now deprecated in favour of the RPCQ server mode. Do not depend on it. You can create the HTTP server with the -S flag

$ quilc -S
|  W E L C O M E  |
|   T O   T H E   |
|  R I G E T T I  |
|     Q U I L     |
| C O M P I L E R |
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Rigetti Computing.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IMPORTANT NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The HTTP endpoint has been deprecated in favor of the RPCQ endpoint.  In the
future, it will be removed.  You're advised to modify your client code to talk
to the RPCQ version instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END IMPORTANT NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

[2019-01-29 13:59:18] Starting server: : 6000.

RPCQ is an open-source RPC framework developed at Rigetti for efficient network communication through the QCS stack. The server is started in RPCQ-mode using the -R flag

$ quilc -R
|  W E L C O M E  |
|   T O   T H E   |
|  R I G E T T I  |
|     Q U I L     |
| C O M P I L E R |
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Rigetti Computing.

<134>1 2019-01-29T22:03:08Z workstation.local ./quilc 4077 LOG0001 - Launching quilc.
<134>1 2019-01-29T22:03:08Z workstation.local ./quilc 4077 - - Spawning server at (tcp://*:5555) .

The server-mode provides to high-level languages such as Python a way to communicate with the Quil compiler, thus enabling high-level abstractions and tools that are not directly available in Quil. The pyquil library provides such an interface to quilc.


CL-QUIL is the Lisp library that implements parsing and compiling of Quil code. The code can be found under ./src/. Other lisp libraries, including quilc, can depend on it.


To get up and running quickly using the quilc Docker image, head directly to the section "Running the Quil Compiler with Docker" below. Otherwise, the following steps will walk you through how to build the compiler from source.

Follow the instructions in QVM's doc/lisp-setup.md to satisfy the dependencies required to load the CL-QUIL library. Afterwhich, the library can be loaded

$ sbcl
* (ql:quickload :cl-quil)
;;; <snip>compilation output</snip>
* (cl-quil:parse-quil-string "H 0")

A few good entry points to exploring the library are:

  • The functions cl-quil::parse-quil in src/parser.lisp, and cl-quil:parse-quil-string in src/cl-quil.lisp and the various transforms therein.
  • The function cl-quil:compiler-hook which constructs a control-flow graph (CFG) and then performs various optimizations on the CFG.

Automated Packaging with Docker

The CI pipeline for quilc produces a Docker image, available at rigetti/quilc.

To get the latest stable version of quilc, run docker pull rigetti/quilc.

Running the Quil Compiler with Docker

As outlined above, the Quil Compiler supports two modes of operation: stdin and server.

To run quilc in stdin mode, do one either of the following:

  1. The containerized compiler will then read whatever newline-separated Quil instructions you enter, waiting for an EOF signal (C+d) to compile it.
docker run --rm -it rigetti/quilc
  1. You can alternatively pipe Quil instructions into the quilc container if you drop the -t.
echo "H 0" | docker run --rm -i rigetti/quilc

To run quilc in server mode, do the following:

docker run --rm -it -p 5555:5555 rigetti/quilc -R

This will spawn an RPCQ-mode quilc server, that you can communicate with over TCP. If you would like to change the port of the server to PORT, you can alter the command as follows:

docker run --rm -it -p PORT:PORT rigetti/quilc -R -p PORT

Release Process

  1. Update VERSION.txt and dependency versions (if applicable) and push the commit to master.
  2. Push a git tag vX.Y.Z that contains the same version number as in VERSION.txt.
  3. Verify that the resulting build (triggered by pushing the tag) completes successfully.
  4. Publish a release using the tag as the name.
  5. Close the milestone associated with this release, and migrate incomplete issues to the next one.

Get involved!

We welcome and encourage community contributions! Peruse our guidelines for contributing to get you up to speed on expectations. Once that's clear, a good place to start is the good first issue section. If you have any find bugs, please create an issue. If you need help with some code or want to discuss some technical issues, you can find us in the #dev channel on slack.

We look forward to meeting and working with you!